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5 Simple But Effective Approach towards Increasing Your Self Confident

Increasing Your  Self Confident
Life is just a vacuum waiting to be occupied,a blank page to be painted vividly with dreams. Its requires mixtures of colours and a unique live story. Be confident and along the line be happy.

Low self esteem and confidence all root from childhood. Our guardian deprived us,the role we played,situations we found ourselves ,environment and schools hypnotize us from taking advantage of growing up with Self Confidence.

Self esteem and Self confident is something one can learn it's a process, faith and action is off all accomplishment in life. Before one can effectively achieve this he or she must first de-hypnotize himself after being convince through personal experience that he lacks confidence . Detoxify yourself from those belied beliefs by increasing your awareness will bring more positive results.
Your level of awareness determined the path you trade in life. Not until false concepts,values,believes and thoughts about your inability is crushed confidence can't be built. From childhood you've been misled to accept and operate on wrong viewpoint about yourself. Below are few habits in- confident people portray:

  • They Compare Their Self With Other: They often feel that others are better than them, once this misconception  is adsorb deep in our subconscious mind its continue vibrating bring up thoughts of self worthlessness. They fail to realize that the more constant we compare our self with people the more loser  we become.

  • They Fake It. Shame and fear makes people practice the Fake It Till You Make It technique and it seems to work well in every aspect of life but leads to privatization and it drain authenticity and anxiety.

  • Indecisive-poor decision making. Low Self esteem and self confidence is accompanied by decision and fear making mistake. They think of the consequence of taking a stand.

  • Self Pity ,Worries and Procrastination are another habit low self confident people and the sum of it equals WEAKNESS. All this result as an inability to our own life, making people the controller. Worrying is an habit low self esteem can't eradicated, its normal sine everyone is doing better living healthy so, they worry about everything ranging from the looks,figure and so on. Procrastination is another weakness,when opportunity present itself the fear of making the wrong choice .  Lack of awareness the opportunity passes by the belief the right time is coming. Most the time good turn comes to those who walk ahead of time.

Other characteristic includes putting on timid appearance, boasting claiming to be better than everyone,he sees every one as his competitor. His Mr perfect,tries to please others but hates,dislike his self. Most of the time he guilty,shame always looking for love and he needs some else's approval before he can make decision.

10 Effective Ways to Build Self Confident.

1.Be Open Minded. Self confident is a path that require open mindedness.A positive affirmative mindset.  Its awaken you to changes of how black and white without mistaken certainties could be.

2.Love Your Self,recognize your self worth,don't allow people used you. Loving yourself unconditionally gives a sense of humour and some amazing abilities; To stop judging,forgive your self and others.Learn a positive and unique pattern of thinking in critical times.Stop looking for love in strangers and be happy. See no one as below you or be proud,boasting like you're better than.

3. Avoid seeking praise and unprofitable attention. Credits yourself don't waiting for people to do that. The most severe form of low confidential people is attention and sympathy.

4.Always do your best. Some of us grew up in homes where comparison  were common. Your parent also compare you to your neighbours child. The truth is you cant do better but your best only that's when your awareness has changed.

5. Highly Confident people avoids competition at all cost.They see life as a journey on a back of a donkey not a battle field . They desire to win but not to beat others.

Self confident can also be build concretely through goal setting. Setting and achieving an obtainable goal strengthen your confidence.The level of understanding  and the price paid to achieve a goal is deep same way your confidence gets stronger and happiness flows.

Photo credit: h.koppdelaney

Be Purpose Driven: 5 Things Purpose Driven People do Differently

What is the purpose of life? What's mine all about?. Those are few of numerous questions that babbles in our heads. Many of us are not happy  where we are or what we do just because we never wanted that but we were given or we chosed it because our friends did. It affects your life in a long run, at your place of work if purpose didn't drives you the joy of being there won't overtake you.

Buddha says '' Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it". A lot of  people are not happy where they are. Put their whole hearth and soul to it seems suffocating. I think  they weren't purpose driven and tactic while choosing career. Being purposed driven--- know the mission- the task that fulfil a purpose- Live it a vision-be positive in thoughts and focus on achieving all that.

 5 Things Purpose Driven People do Differently

1.Live With A Vision: Living with perception is one vital tool great and successful  people make use of . I read stories of many great men and how they went through many vision killer circumstances but they still kept  it alive. They all came to conscious understanding of certain things. Using the power of desire they all become a success and made history. I can recollect years ago my life cycled around the TV and my vision was blurred. The kind of person I'll become in 5 years  time i couldn't visualized. 3 years later i came to knowledge that there's a world out there the brighter than the fantasies i see on the TV screen. And also that you never be great when the basics and aspiration is lacked. One must find his own purpose for life.

2.Determination and Focus: A purposeful driven individual makes up their mind to be focus and pay no attention to fantasies,pleasure that are dis-tractive.. These days Smartphone and the internet can be one of those. They have a negative spirit. I challenge you to identify your weakness, do away with your time killer. and then put your camera at whatever is your purpose.

Determination changes your view,--- an active force that keeps you motivated. Strengthen your will power and restructure your desire. Energies that purposefulness in you and make you embrace chance and embarrassment.

4.Dream Little: We are constantly informed that dreams comes through and that impossibility is a mere word accepted by mediocre who don't think outside the box. Making many to shoot for the stars hastily and aim at nothing.I believe that success is a deck, steps takes you there. Like the popular adage'' Rome was not built in a day'' Every purpose after realization materialize gradually. Dream little and grow bigger in no time.

5.Follow Your Bliss and find Happiness. Most people claim to learn to love something with times while others fell even before they understood better. Whatever which is not your bliss can never be, it will be impossible to find joy being a nurse when you never liked sick people. But you decided to chose the career because your friend Alicia did. Happiness lies in doing what you love.

5.Sacrifice for that Purpose: Sacrifice is the price you pay to fulfil a purpose. Nothing parachute itself in to space. Someone must have made it happened. ''Dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Hard work is the price we must pay for success. I think you can accomplish anything if you're willing to pay the price.''-- Vince Lombardi

Lastly, put your whole soul to it. A passionate nurse put her soul to the profession. She sacrifice her life into it like in the recent Ebola cases. She find great joy because her purpose for life has been found. Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart.-- Jalal ad-Din Rumi

Over to You

As for me my purposed for life seems many right now. I see myself and this blog changing lives, bringing joy to people and re-framing the mindset of people all around the world that Happiness can be attained. And also see myself one day being there for others and whole a lot of things no one has ever dreamt off, i guess i have to be specific, but does it really matters?.

Now I'll like you to ponder over these questions. What is your mission on earth?, What's is your purpose for life, have your find it yet or still searching?. For those of you that are presently living it how does it feel doing what makes you always wanted, what you love and are you actually putting your whole soul to it?. 

70 Questions To Inspire Rapid Self-discovery

Questions inons That Will Change Your Life 
self discovering

 Sometimes thoughtful questions trigger the successful change factor in us. The world and things we all carry drops us in strange land full of questions marks.  In life, when it comes to setting of goals  marking them turnt out, mindful questions that moves power need to asked, examine and put into considerations. I discover that everybody needs to be motivated at least once a day. Motivational words awakens the sleep weak inner person. It's energize and provoke that successful humanity. It might be any form. Written or verbally. '' Someone who ask questions never gets lost in strangeland.''  Some area in your life might be stagnant and you don't need a fortune teller. All you need is reasoning, self examination, self searching. Trying to locate the particular area that needs improvements.  Questions, life changing questions need to asked.

At times i sit and put my heart upon my selves , i ask my self the below questions when i get off track.
  1. Who Am i and Where am i?.
  2. Where will i be in the next 5 years to come.?
  3. Am i the real version of me?
  4.  What does success mean to me?
  5. What are you passionate about?
  6. What are your values? What do you represent? What do you want to embody?
  7. Do you love yourself?
  8. Can i win?
  9. What kind of seed am i planting?
  10. What will happen to me, my family and belongings when i die?
  11. If you were to die three hours from now, what would you regret most?
  12. What is holding me back?
  13. Who are the 3 people who had most powerful influence on you?
  14. What’s your deepest secret?
  15. What is happiness for you?
  16. How can you love yourself more today?
  17. What would you do today if there is no more tomorrow?
  18. For every experience you get: What are the biggest things you have learned?
  19. How can you do this better the next time?
  20. When was the last time you did something spontaneously?
  21. Which are the most memorable moments from your past?
  22.  Are you making the same mistakes over and over again?
  23.  Forget your real age for a second – now tell yourself how old are you?
  24. How important is social approval for you?
  25. Do you live for others or for yourself?
  26. What was the last life lesson you learnt?
  27. Do you love your job?
  28. What is your ideal career?
  29. How can you start creating your ideal career starting today?
  30. What is your ideal home like?
  31. When was the last time you helped someone?
  32. What’s your life’s biggest achievement?
  33. Do I seize opportunities?
  34. What can you do to start living your ideal life?
  35. What do you fear most in life?
  36. How can I bring more joy into my life?
  37. Who do I want to meet?
  38. What adventures do I want to go on?
  39. What is your ideal physical look?
  40. What do you need to do to achieve your ideal physical look?
  41. What is your ideal life?
  42. What do I want more of in my life?
  43. Am I open-minded? Am I flexible?
  44. Am I quick to judge others?
  45. Do I take calculated risks?
  46. Do I give others sincere compliments?
  47. Do I appreciate what others do for me?
  48. Where do I want to go?
  49. Do I care too much about what others think of me?
  50. When was the last time you were proud of yourself?
  51. If everything was possible where would you live?
  52. What are the achievements you are most proud of?
  53. What are you most grateful for in life?
  54. What are the most important things to you in life?
  55. How would you describe yourself?
  56.  What stops you from making the first step towards your dream?
  57. When was the last time you took a risk?
  58. Did you ever help complete stranger?
  59. What is your greatest fear?
  60. Which word describes your personality best?
  61. What inspires you?
  62. What was the biggest change initiated by you in the past 5 years?
  63. If you have  10 thousand dollars, what would you do with it?
  64. What do you need to do to achieve your ideal home?
  65. What do I want less of in my life?
  66. Am I on the look out for opportunities?
  67. Am i making the right memories?
  68. How many people have i help to reach their full potential?
  69. Are my friends improving or damaging my life?
  70. Is experience truly my best teacher?

 Who am i? Where am i? Where will i be in the next 5 years to come?: I combined these three because i think the trio is a must asked. I stood in front of the mirror, i saw someone,the reflection of me. Bright faced but deep inside it's color riot. I ponder about this times without number.Who i'm i? is that boy in the mirror the real me or something like Mona Lisa. ? . Where am i ?comes to  my mind  often. The world and the life we lived is evil and uncertainty is the order of the day. Unplanned things happens everyday and am left with questions. Sometimes i ask why was  i born at first place.  Does the future really exist if it does then Where will  i be in the next years to come?. Will i still be at my mamas house or on my own or probably be the man my dad was'nt.?

 Do really love myself? ,What's love?: Anytimes i break any of my personal 10 commandments i get this feeling, the sensational kind you get when you turn tables and burn bridges. That quilt, i end up saying i don't love myself. I think if do love i wont hurt him. I came to conclusion that experience was never the best teacher and loving my self is far beyond lay blames when i go wrong.

10 Reasons Why You Are Still Nowhere Near Success

Year after year people makes resolutions, set goals,dream of succeeding in their business, they bet their bottom dollar but end up achieving below the par'. Alongside, we notice it's not like they have never worked hard like their fellow counterpart who planted on a piece of land and harvested good products nor because others have got 2 heads better than ours. It's simply because we have not been able to search ourselves through to know what could be responsible for such. Today I'll be sharing with you few reasons you never accomplished or failed to achieve bountiful.

10 Reasons Why You Can't Achieve Success.

1. Our thoughts,character contributes more to our achievements in life. An optimist strives to achieve his desire while a pessimist occupies his head with thoughts of failure and impossibility which reaps no results. James Allen said" All that you accomplish or fail to accomplish with your life is the direct result of your thoughts". Pensively, are you an optimist or a pessimist?
To get this right, note that we are the author and finisher of our fortunes. The subconscious mind attracts hidden thoughts and it directly manifest in our characters. Hence, negative thoughts materializes into failure. Nothing is done without being optimistic ,hope and confident. Believe in yourself that you actually do that which seems impossible
The joy in doing what is best for you tend drive you crazy. A purpose driven someone knows what he is after and he enjoys doing it. Therefore,success lies in doing what you love to do. I challenge you to find your purpose for life, be specific, have a target ---a goal you want to achieve and devote your time, energy to it, with the right mindset success lies.
3.You Procrastinate Wrongly.
Most people procrastinate by waiting for an appointed time, they fail to recognize that this appointed time can only be met when they tend to make effort doing what is expected of them rightly.
Our friends don't decide our life though but they can influence it, positively or negatively. There's most likely we are influenced by those with whom we relate. Our society has made this perception in numerous regions of conduct; The possibility of being influenced by those we spend our 24 hours with is a high. This is why: "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with." . Keeping company with those who are positive to your success in life gives you more energy, "Success is a journey fun when embarked with people who's desires is to achieve it. In Napoleon Hill's book. Think and Grow Rich: Chapter 10. Power of the Master Mind. He stressed out the importance of keeping company with people whose focus is to attain a definite purpose. To accomplish a goal a strong mastermind group or network is very vital. Great walls are built by groups of masterminded builders . A wise king makes wiser decisions with a committee of smart elders. Also, a successful man keeps company with success conscious people. Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." - Henry Ford.
In life, whatever happens to you is a product of whatever choice you make. Hence, nothing hits a man unless he permits it. Failure to motivate your self is like failing to begin: "Be courageous enough to enjoy courage. self motivation therefore energizes you to dream which helps to achieve a greater ambition."
6. You Never Care to Eliminate Distractions.
This era,people care less not knowing that any unproductive minute wasted is a moment lost forever . We tend to keep ourselves busy with the master of distractions called the internet, smartphones,watching TV, playing video games,associating with negative people , wasting away in wrong relationship that draw us backwards while you're supposed to plant the great trees of tomorrow.
All those makes life tough but it's makes you live for today not for tomorrow's satisfaction. The best way to strike a balance is learn to manage time effectively and increase your productivity.Care less of what people think of you, turn off notifications, avoid starting your day in neutral but make the most out of your everyday and develop a distraction free routine.
7. You Were not Passionate about what you desired for./Never Believed In Your Ability
When you fail to to ignite the burning desire for something and let the aspirations drive your you won't identify the beauty in the struggle. Remember:"Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day of your life." -Confucius
8.Your Failed to Plan  Your Life.
Many understand the importance of planning ceremonies but fail to implement the same technique when it's comes to life accomplishment. Anyone who doesn't plan, in contrary digs his own graves(plans to fail). Planning is an unavoidable function of success. It's of no meaning to go after achieving something not planned for because the possibility of achievement is slim. A plan gives you direction, you in control , prepares you against uncertainty ,it's the vehicles that drives your purpose. And move your subconscious mind at work. Life could be so unclear when looked from afar but brighter when viewed from the right angle.
This era,people care less not knowing that any unproductive minute wasted is a moment lost forever . We tend to keep ourselves busy with the master of distractions called the internet, smartphones,watching TV, playing video games,associating with negative people , wasting away in wrong relationship that draws us backwards while you're supposed to plant the great trees of tomorrow.
All those makes life tough but it's makes you live for today not for tomorrow's satisfaction. The best way to strike a balance is learn to manage time effectively and increase your productivity.Care less of what people think of you, turn off notifications, avoid starting your day in neutral but make the most out of your everyday and develop a distraction free routine.

10.You Never Thought About Getting Off Your Comfort zone .
At times why people fail is just simply a matter of locations, the place,the wrong time, the wrong job, wrong city, its a very unrealized tricks. Every one is succeeding in that field but not everybody is capable, Knowing when to move to the next opportunity. When to get off your comfort zone, it could be in form of changing your mind, habits, friends. Accomplishing success in life is a choice but being poor is a decision. Be determined then you can overcome the obstacles nothing will work unless you do. 10.You
A downfall was never the end but simply an opportunity to begin again, more wittily. Those times you never accomplish anything were steps and foundation of success. You fail to recognize them. One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when one is overtaken by temporary defeat.. Failure is a friend. Be sincere with your work and don't be afraid to take chances.
Action and It's Price
All accomplishment has price tags. Without having proper understanding of the scope of how to accomplish it in life, you won't stand a test of time. Having a talent is one thing,discovering, utilizing and exposure is another. People who fail most times took all the steps to reach that pinnacle (success ) but things went sideways. Karma tend to play her role in lives of those who permits it. Many harbour the insane beliefs that their misfortune is as a result of lack of luck or fate. Nothing is impossible. Like I said in the beginning Of this post, our future is in our hands. We are the architect ,we recreate and design Who we want to become. To succeed, be conscious,find your purpose and put your whole soul to it, above all be pure in the heart, smart abstain from crooked ways.

5 Ways To Overcoming Lonliness

Life could be so unfair at times,  situations knot bow tie. A very close friend of mine heart was smash on rock by a lady. He was lost in his world, getting over the depression was really complicated fpr him to handle, it got worsen. Depression that turn in resentment. Loneliness paves in and his world was falling apart. I couldn't just stare  blankly watching him break down, i knew exactly how he felt so, i advice him to put his heart upon his and strong.

Loner entertain  thoughts, uncontrollable overwhelming kind of but dwelling there and giving the feeling total control over you cage you more. Have you ever imagined a life with a satisfied intimacy?  . I mean a happy life with no interference of suicidal feelings of loneliness. You might think it's impossible but my dear it's.


When is someone said to Lonely and What cause it?

Everyone catches the feeling, it's  normal.Someone might  decides to separate his/her self for a purpose(solitude) but in a situation they become depressed due to being alone in that case the person is said be lonely.
Loneliness is triggered by numerous conditions like breakup, Lost of love One, especially spouse, Sudden change off environment-migration from one country or another for work.

Loneliness is said to have  genetic connection and those with Low self-esteem tend to become lonely because they lack confidence and also  think that they are  worthless.

It be-gets more intense loneliness,studies shows that its has health effect. A University of Chicago social psychologist John Cacioppo, studied the biological effects and came up with much bad effect that  loner  are at risk of endangering their lives.

  • It's tied to hardening of the arteries (which leads to high blood pressure),
  • inflammation in the body, and even problems with learning and memory.
  • Even fruit flies that are isolated have worse health and die sooner than those that interact with others, showing that social engagement may be hard-wired, Cacioppo said.

Other effect  includes Depression  suicide,Cardiovascular disease,stroke,Increased stress levels ,Decreased memory  learning,Antisocial behaviour.Poor decision-making ,Alcoholism and drug abuse, The progression of Alzheimer's disease and Altered brain function.
Like Smoking  It doesn't only effect an individual only but those around them making its contagious.

How to Stop Feeling  Lonely ?.

How can a loner get over the sensation of feeling like his been lock
out of heaven gate. ?

1.Firstly you figure out the cause.
 Is it breaks up depression that triggered the feeling?.You can't conquer the unknown unless you satisfy your intimate desires.

2.Realization and acceptance of your loneliness as normal. Don't blame the universe,yourself or feel discouraged instead try to break free from it instead. Maybe you lost someone dear to you, accept the fact that his/she is gone for time indefinite. Rather than beating your brain out or crying a river just pick up every piece of you and move on.

3.Speak to your feelings-avoid shying away. Make decisions to face your fear. The problem we human have is that of standing up for something, speaking straight to our fear in hard  times. The fear of looking straight in the mirror in critical conditions.
Replace that's isolated mentality with a sociality kind of. If not the depression  won't seize despite being  surrounded crowd.

4.Stop Isolating yourself.-Get Off your comfort zone. Don't expect change, make it happen . Reach-out to  others in your world, find someone who cherishes you. Life is incomplete without the availability of close associate. Reaching out for others people, reunion with old
friends, fixed broken communication with friends by calling. Don't rely on Facebook chatting because it won't help matters but double them when you log out.

5. Work on Positive Thinking. Loneliness comes along with anxiety which is predisposed to Negative thinking. Be optimistic that's you'll be better soon. Though you may get a roll-over of negative thoughts but striving for the bright side will do more help in shaping your success
of loneliness.

Depression from loneliness can be overwhelming,annoying and suicidal. Making your feel worthless, but its not the end of the world,your mind is only lying to you. Stand up and make a decision. Human lack decision making capability . Over procrastinating and fear of what might happen next trouble us a lot so, we tend to manage bad situations.

Make the necessary lifestyle change, they say to get over a habit you must look for a substitute. Satisfied hungry needs and occupy vacuums.You can also do this by identifying the root cause and attacking smartly .And when it's getting tougher you fight to the end.

How To Control Your Sexual Urges and Thoughts

Sexual thoughts and desires are pretty normal. We as human, are prone to have the feelings resulting from the urge to gratify sexual impulses. Nature made it for the consumption of matured minds. Religiously it's abnormal until you're matured enough(i.e married ). Hence, the fruit and desire for it has been termed forbidden, enslaving people with myths, that sexual thought is a sin.
Sexual thought can be overwhelming when it's over emphasized, making it uneasy to pay attention. However, certain factors triggers sexual thought. These factors include:‎

Over thinking of sex every time can affect you in a long run: thinking of what's underneath the skirts when a girl passes by can trigger sexual thought.This could be in d area of music,movies, a promiscuous girl dress code or that hot co worker.

Thinking of how to control yourself from sexual urge?, you can try the following:

1. Figure Out What Trigger The Thoughts

  • Seek medical attention to know if it's nymphomania- a mental disorder marked by compulsive sexual behaviour.

2.Avoid sexual stimulation: this can be done by:

  •  Avoid Surfing website that has link with pornography. They can increase the libido.
  •  Don't read playboy magazine or any explicit form of writings.
  •  Delete erotic videos from your smartphone, laptops.
  •  Avoid discussion (dirty talking) which might trigger your desire.

3.Change your urge to creative energy:

sexual Urge has psychological link, just making up your mind to change or developing the guilty conscience of not being good enough won't do any help. Accept it a normal hormonal reactions. Instead of worrying translate your urge into creative energy.
 This can be:

  • Get a self improvement or a motivational books and give It all your attention. The Bible could be a source of inspiration.
  • Get off your comfort zone. At times sexual thought triggers when you're alone in an isolated place reminiscing draft days event or thinking and looking Nicki Minaj 's ass picture, day dreaming what she's got under.

4,Get Busy. An adage says "an idle mind is the devils work shop." Instead of doing nothing, engage yourself in busy schedules.

  • Make better use of the time you spend with sexual thought invests it into unleashing the creative potential in you.
  • keep your self with music, write an article, exercise.
  • Fill idle time with plans, visit a friend, watch football.

5. Talk to Someone.
Most people keep everything to their self because it's terrifying telling a friend, you've got problems with your sexual life. "Problem shared is a problem solved " Talk to God in prayers, his promised to answer whenever we call upon his name in hard times.

Don't let your sexual thought push you to act abnormal, you own the key to your self. Consistent Self help and applications of techniques will make progress and make you a better person.
Note this:Having sexual urge is never a sin. It's normal but how you go about it counts.


“Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over instead of craving control over what you don't.” 
Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free
tthings to let go

7 Things To Let Go Before New Year

Life could be dark and shady, the rate of uncertainty might be of the high but light won't fall from heaven. We light our world through our deeds, our speeches and about all plan and action. Many make new year resolutions but end up not achieving any. Resolutions are broken and slaughtered like Christmas cows. I'm not making any resolutions this years because last time i did, i ended up achieving nothing. Today i want to share with you few reads of things to let go everyday.
lets go

1. Let Of the Guilt Of Not Being Good Enough;
  • Life on occasion could be similar to harmattan, the wind gets dry and dusty . That environment of coverlet and futility toward oneself collapses. Depression,negative musings and that  of not being impeccable or sufficient. As of late i felt so useless, blemished and not adequate. I got stuck in my minute, my apprehensions, i contrast and others. I felt so dismal , i couldn't keep harbouring that so i connected a few systems. Do you feel that way a times, i think it times to  go.10 Things to Remember When You Think You’re Not Good Enough
2.Let Go Negative Thoughts;
  •   You most likely knew about the blessed trinity the body, brain and soul they control our lives and if  one of them is negative our life turn screwy. With the end goal things should be on the more extensive and clear way the positive mentality must be enacted. Negative contemplations are one of the operators of disappointment, lost of self regard, self-loathing however developing the attitude of a positive mastermind free us physically and profoundly from the dimness of life. Antagonistic thought hits everybody even the individuals who shows individuals how to get ride of it. However practice still makes progress. So as to dispose of dim considerations you need to grasp the light with the entire of your heart, psyche, body and soul. You can't simply relax  equipped  and anticipate that negative thoughts delete it self, you make a step, work out progressively you'll prevail. (Solutions For Negative Thoughts.)

3.Let Go Negative People;
  • A negative somebody intrudes on positives correspondence with an aggregate distinctive perspective which may bring about contentions and toward the end nothing responsive, gainful is picked up. They can be irritating, they are awful impact and they have to get freed off to graduate on to the following living of life. The way of life stagnates as well as those he keeps organization  with. I have once ended up in fog of individuals like that and i can let it know's was an experience nobody ought to experience.( How to Deal with People)
4.Let Go Smoking; 

  • The WHO recently warned that Smokers tend to die younger.Smoking is responsible for several disease like lung cancer, Scientist says cigarette contains over 4,000 compounds and  most of the compounds are toxic. Nicotine--is not carcinogenic though but addictive. Nicotines makes it's addictive and complicated to stop. Another benefits of quitting smoking is to protect those around you from danger. Research suggest'' People around smokers are at high risk. Second hand smoking contain approximately the same amount of substance inhaled. Which in time gives rise to cardiovascular disease, hypertension and a host of other diseases.( Ways to Quit Smoking To Improve Your Life)

5.Let Go Anger;

  •  Anger a colossal issue in the life of about everybody, it a genuine fixation that needs to get controlled and gotten freed's a disappointment that bubbles profound inside us when somebody insults or extreme our tail. It an antagonistic feeling. Outrage needs to be controlled.  Losing control because of specific occurrences is ordinariness. Everybody gets pissed off and we get irritated and react forcefully. Discretion can help keep up the parity. In the event that you get furious time and again actually when its redundant the tips will impart support triumph over this things that battling you and you can't win.(Learn How to Manage Your Anger)

6.Let Go absurd Ideas;
  • Some things you sit in your arm chair and produce from your head through thought has an effect on the fast approach of your dreams. Positive ideas boosts our self and attracts good towards our way.Do you know you're the cause of the limitations and misfortunes around you ?.  ''We are what our thought have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary.(absurd Idea That Are Holding You Back;)

7. Let Go Bad Habits; Let go addictions and any lifestyle that is'nt in positive lights.Let Go Porno Addictions;Let go toxic Relationships..Let GO anything worth letting go.

Photo credit: Beverly & Pack

5 Destructive Habits of Negative and Unhappy People

5  Destructive Habits of Negative and Unhappy  People

5 Habit, Lifestyle a Positive Person Should Never Indulge  in.

Negative Thoughts. A clean morals and healthy habits makes a positive somebody.  A healthy individual who stand  far from whatever is chaste. Not pretending, living a two faced life. Certain practice distinct us from the claim'' Positive thinker''.  The other side of life and things can shift our thinking but we have the power to reject them. For the past days i fell a victim. It only come to my understanding after i publish a post 15 facts about life. The article was mixture and a products of negative thought. A positive person exclude anything that has connection with negativity.(read:How to get over Negative thought)

Smoking is another habit that defiles the body. A positive people don't indulge in any act that has been tagged bad.  Certain component in cigarette are harmful. And second hand smoking causes several heart disease. Some substances like Marijuana when smoke swings the mood of the smoke. It's effects the brain at times stimulate violence and other social vice.(read: Tips On How To Stop Smoking )

Drinking excessive alcohol has been the lifestyle of many. Drinking itself isn't bad or wrong but some liquids are power, it's has the power to change mood. When it;s becomes a habit it bring shames and disrespect not only to the victim but his family and friend and his community. Positive thinker is respected because of his high minded and ideal.

Drugs Abuse and addictive.  The rate of which people misuse drugs this days is increasing rapidly among young people. Most of this drugs are  addictive. And one thing about addictive is that its never easy to give up.  Drugs like Cracks..... They are expensive-- When an addicts can't  afford it he does whatever just to please the desire. He might steal or sell his property and hurt people around him. Positivity is a characteristics of peace maker not thugs and drugs sniffer.

Masturbation. Many somewhat doctors claims it's a healthy practice. Many jumps into it because they say it's save but i totally disagree. Even  the water we drink when taken in large amount it makes uncomfortable. People who masturbate will have a problem of premature ejaculation which is the problem of most men today. Apart from the health effect, Physiological,religiously its dirty practice that stimulate negative thought.(Read: How to Break Free from Porno Addiction)

How to get over the above isn't what baffles everyone. As a purpose driven someone i believe nothing is impossible to quit.  Sitting at the sideline blaming yourself and thinking you're not good enough won't change a thing. Something is killing but you find it difficult to conquer. You can suppress that, eliminate it.


  • Realize the bad side. Does it has one? What benefit will it be to be excluded among those that will suffer such consequences?. Do you smoke? Do you know if you put all the money spent on Indian ERM into a crap by you have been famous and rich? healthy and free from lungs disease?. Make up your mind. You can do it. Change your mind, picture the bright side.

Effort and Support

  • Many habits isn't easy to give up alone except smoking but others are more complicated. But seeking for support. Encouragement and attention. Joining a support group and getting knowledge from former addicts can make a big different. To drop any habit it's must be replaced. Involve in healthy practice. And with the help from family members,support group, religious leaders and prayers.

Photo credit: Made in Plute

Solutions for Negative Thoughts

You might be going through a lot, negative thoughts is overshadowing the bright and vivid thinking. Do you wish to get over and live a free minded life? . The solutions below can be of help.

You can not live your whole time on negativity, its not profitable, its senseless. Five minute of negative thought is enough to change over or look for solution.

And if you've been contemplating on the issue it advisable to focus on putting and end to it rather than focusing on the problem.

For those the grew up with this thoughts, the most efficient way to over it is by engaging in something new.
Developing a Positive self image of your self could change, at time having low self esteem can trigger to negative thoughts and the way others sees us. Read my article on How to Develope a positive selfimage.
Living negativity behind is that easy the way you think, nothing is forever easy and nothing is impossible.
Thinks and act positive, gradually positive will  be attracted to you, it talks much practice.

I was once a affected with the same issue, it took years before my  mind was set free, read my battle with negative thoughts in the article i shared my own personal story and how i got free from that deadly bondage

How to Think Positively

You know the effect and damage it has coursed you, worry less. It's life, it unfair and you bound to miss a few turns, negative thoughts or whatever you call it can and will be conquered
If you have made up your mind to conquer Negative thought click HERE start and get the Solution.

Joan Rivers Quotes; 14 Funniest Quotes and Jokes

Joan Rivers, who passed away at the age of 81 Thursday, made us laugh for decades, below are some of her words.
Joan Rivers Quotes

1.Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is God's gift, that's why we call it the present.

2.I enjoy life when things are happening. I don't care if it's good things or bad things. That means you're alive. Things are happening.

3.I've had so much plastic surgery, when I die they will donate my body to Tupperware.

4.I've learned from my dealings with Johnny Carson that no matter what kind of friendship you think you have with people you're working with, when the chips are down, it's all about business.

5.Don't tell your kids you had an easy birth or they won't respect you. For years I used to wake up my daughter and say, 'Melissa you ripped me to shreds. Now go back to sleep.'.
Life is very tough. If you don't laugh, it's tough.

6.I've learned from doing my own show with Fox that people are not your partners if they're signing the checks. Whoever signs your paycheck is the boss - no matter what they tell you.
A man can sleep around, no questions asked, but if a woman makes nineteen or twenty mistakes she's a tramp.

7.My obstetrician was so dumb that when I gave birth he forgot to cut the cord. For a year that kid followed me everywhere. It was like having a dog on a leash.

8.I've learned you don't always listen to your agents and managers. Sometimes they know nothing.

9.I didn't want to do 'Fashion Police' because I thought, 'This is stupid, this is beneath me, who wants to talk about fashion?' It has taken off. We are the number one show in England on E! Who knew?

10.Acting is my true love. I would like to have been a serious actor, and I plan to in the next life. I'm gonna be Meryl Streep Rivers.

11.Comediennes are the lucky ones, because if you're funny, you can be 125 years old and they will still accept you.

12.Every comedian is furious. Age makes me angry. I'm unhappy at not being able to open packages anymore.

13. I'm angry that libraries have gone.

14.I hate children on planes. I'm very shallow, so they tend to be little things. To be honest, I think I was probably angry the day I was born, you know, about diapers or something.

5 Ways to Deal With Negative People

Dealing With Negative  People
It's unimaginable strange how  a positive minded somebody hangs around the clock with people who sees things from the negative angle. A negative someone interupts positives communication with a total different viewpoint which may result in arguments and at the end nothing responsive, productive is gained. They can be annoying, they are bad influence and they need to get rid off to graduate on to the next living of life.

The lifestyle stagnates not only but those he keeps company  with. I have once found myself in mist of people like that and i can tell its was an experience no one should encounter.

Dealing With Negative People is like  solving a complicated chemical equation. It's done tactically and carefully and by using the appropriate formula. They can be your family members, friends,your roommate and i such case it's might seems like you lost him respect if you just breakout and neglect them.

1. Ignore Any Sort Of Argument.
One of the mistakes i made was trying to behave like light in between two dark. Arguing with them thinking am enlightening or defending the positive. I came to realize that it was like setting fire to the rain. A negative human is never out of viewpoint to back up his acclaimed rights.  Ignoring the argument sets the level of your maturing in dealings on the high.

2.Avoid Negative People.
 This set of guys are bad influence. They have what it takes to make any weak faithed minded individual a believer. They know how to paint a abstract picture and bring it into reality. Lights and darkness have nothing in common right? Avoid Negative People at all cost. Minimize the hours you spend with them, time is too precious  be wasted.

3.Don't Contribute in such Conversation.
Zero contribution, no matter how irresistible and tempting it might be. When its get out of hand smile and leave.

4.Love Them. Don't hate them but their attitude. well they kinda boring to you but i believe there is story behind everything. Someone made them to choose that lifestyle, it can be stress from work, the hard side of life. Religious misunderstanding.  Think of the best way to help them out but don't try to do number 5.

Don't Try to Change Them.
No amount of preaching can change a man, an encounter with the truth of everything and personal decisions is what is needed.  Let him know what this dark thoughts is doing to him and if he still insist. Know your limit and ignore them.