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10 Powerful Habits Of The Super Successful (Infographic)

I found his bewildering infographic , its  an eminent approach to manage get you into the right perspective to get you to the destinations you are orchestrated to fulfil: It goes more than 10 convincing slants for ultra profitable individuals and solidify some confirmed circumstances where popular individuals have utilized them to make progress. So, i decided to share it
Infographic Source: Addictedtosuccess

8 Golden Rules To Being Great In Life

Greatness  is having or doing extraordinary  things that mediocre people can't never attempt to. Not necessary the state of superiority. Everyone wants to be like Michael Jackson  doing the mood work and like the rest of the genius that ever lived and get their name written in ink on the page of history book. The road to greatness  is full of failure and fright. It's like you're running for your life on a camel back, its fury,a process, a goal aim with patience and confident with energetic enthusiasm back up with passion and determination.  Powerful motivational words of greatness provokes the lying spirit in us, it caffeine our soul boost  and strengthens our mind.
What Great People Did:

1.Desire To Be Great:  '' There are many wonderful things that will never be done if you don't do them  said Charles D.Gill. You have to desire things before you can have them. The only big things on earth is desire, it's grows. The greater your desire the farther your growth extends. What you desire is seeking you.
'' A desire is anything but frivolous. It is the interface between you and that which is greater than you. No desire is meaningless or inconsequential. If it pull you. Even a little bit, it will take everyone higher. Desire Desire is where the divine lives, inside the inspiration of your desire. Every desire is of profound importance with huge consequences, and deserve your attention._Mama Gena.

2.Burn that motto'' IMPOSSIBLE'':  The greatest people  who once lived in the face of this earth  faced this insane powerless word. Impossible.  They proved it wrong, Helen Keller did, she told her disabilities..'' Impossible is just a word''.  Impossibilities are optional.  '' Often what seems impossible climb is just a staircase without the step drawn in.
Greatness is not measured by what a man or woman accomplishes, but by the opposition he or she has overcome to reach his goals._Dorothy Height
3.Eliminate Fear Of Failing: Fear is very wonder imaginations that throw minds on a step slope. Nothing that leads to greatness is ever straight, tiger and holocaust comes into the scene just to knock you off. Failure is colleague, never be afraid of it rather dare to.
“I was never afraid of failure; for I would sooner fail than not be among the greatest.”― John Keats

4.Be Open To Change: Greatness is in stages, one step to the other and each one is change it'self. Many people don't get the desire things just because they are dam to changes.  New ideas are really vital to great people. Its a doorways to growing bigger.
It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness._Lucius Annaeus Seneca

5.Create The Future:  Anyone who fail to draw the plan for his life and set gaols, picture his position in next 5 years is worthless  and a lost man. Great people created their future, makes decision and also recreated an unforgettable past all together. In order to design a black and white future all you have to do is Wake-up and start where are. ''ACTION'', The most important goal first.
''The mark of a great man is one who knows when to set aside the important things in order to accomplish the vital ones.”― Brandon SandersonThe Alloy of Law

6.Be Courageous: Success and greatness can never comes into existence when courages isn't the lead. Many human have showed courage as an important key to greatness.  Don't allow the fear of attaining a greater height scare you.
'' Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them_ William Shakespeare,twelve Night.
7.Be Your Self: The road to fames, great achievements in life's seems to change number of people. They lost that realness spirit.  One must maintain the natural balance by not permit the interference of the toughness on the path  to drag out the real version of them.  Judy Garland said'' Always be the first rate version of you.
 ''Wherever you go, no matter what weather, always bring your sunshine'' _Anthony J.
8.Simplicity, Love and Treat Others Equally.“A great man is always willing to be little.” said Ralph Waldo Emerson. There is nothing to be feeling too high about.  Simplicity to me is being humble,, Coco Chanel defined as “Simplicity a the keynote of all true elegance.” .  Truly there is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth. Many well people today are just so arrogant and hard. Love your fellow human. Its the only thing that show the level of your greatness. The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively._Bob Marley. Anyone can be whatever they want to be, great people don't have two heads and thousands life. Nothing can limit you unless you permit it. And when you achieve it don't get shallowed by the new flames.

Secrets Of Success Using The Power Of Desire

The Power Of Desire

“The world is little, people are little, human life is little. There is only one big thing — desire.” 

― Willa CatherThe Song of the Lark
Success in life means to achieve a particular goals. It might mean different thing to you but   it all boils down to achieving a goal and living the dream. Do you want to be happy and successful in whatever you want in life?. Read this article and you will find the  secrets of success using the power  of desire.
Successful opportunity comes when your desire is embarked with action which is making a change in your comfort zone. Then hang where the definite ,major purpose at.  Success are hidden and only the smart caves and  locate it where one thought it could ever be. With knowledge the the impossible can be prove possible.  The power of  thoughts, that obstacles, failure can withstand it.

The practical reason why most people  don't make it is because they forget to locate their root and lost the determination to walk with that burning Desire until it becomes realistic.'' We give up when it's get tougher''. The truth is you can't build the tower alone, others experience is very vital. Never Quit. (See why you never give up.)

The most easiest thing to do in life is to give up, to Quit when he can't bear it no more, meanwhile the moment you gives. Your times was nearer, to shine bright in place no one thought light could dwell never quit. With my experience even though am not successful yet(Not rich like Bill Gate still chasing dreams) i have  this believe that success ride on a State Of Mind. The law of attraction, it's begins with powerful thoughts that grows to Desire which trigger moves along the crooked lane full of obstacles but leads to wealth. And it present it self only to those who are success concious.

Understanding the principle, how to make use of it and make desire function with a dollar and a dream baffle people. There is no such thing as Secrets Of Success because nearly all the successful people have shared their stories. And it all boils down to mind-work, having a distinct limit goal and investing your energy, time into to back it up.

Opportunity that narrow to realizing the twin flames might be hidden in your current unproductive place of work. Version should never be allowed to die in the mission. (Expand your version) Many miss out because of the body and mind are not in equilibrium. ''Wherever you mind chase let thy body do the work''. Don't Quit, failing 3 times means 3 steps according to Thomas Edison. Read about most successful people they all had one gaol at a time, desired,makes use of opportunity(it might be working for someone to save for the project )and plans.not giving up until it a success.

I strongly believe Bill Gate learnt a little of programming somewhere, education is power. With a dollar and a dream, right plan and a little eduction(knowledge)any one can becomes successful. For instance, to become a dream Doctor you first be a concious dreamer who is ready to summit his self to acquire the needed skill and knowledge. Hard times will definite come but never accept defeat, impossible and obstacle, failure are no dought friends, they will pay you a surprise visitation. ''People only fail when they become failure conscious and accept defeat and mediocrity.

desireIn Christianity we Believe..'' Whosoever believe in him(JESUS) will not perish(fail) but have everlasting life(success.). All you have to do is believe in your dreams.

Go against nature and destroy that natural balance of impossibility. Naturally certain things are tagged impossible. Like in the case of Helen Keller. She lost her sensation of hearing at birth, despite her disability she prove to nature that Impossible is just a word. She defeated nature with the power of believe and desire.

Focus on those things you wishes to become, the journey requires faith, believing in yourself. Whatever you point your camera at that exactly what you'll capture. Distraction will come your way. In pleasurable and cunny ways. Make use of head never let the heart deceive you. The fantasies of life and pleasure of eyes can keep hold of your dreams.
On the road to success you bound to miss a few turns, meet negative people, unbelievers that will try to poison your mind with discouragement.''Great people don't accept mediocre and opinion of others when making use of believe. Because believe give courage.

Associate with the right people. Dream and desire cannot never be crushed but wrong company corrupts. Kings should never make friends with slaves.

Without actions''Hard work'' not becomes a success except failure. Lazy mind kills the future but hard work gives rise to discoveries which in time mothers invention, the simplifier of life.
Consistency is the velocity. Thomas Edison was consistent in his journey to invent a light bulb.

Despite failing multiple times his desire to be successful and change the world never changed. He never accepted defeated. Imagination and have memories of the future and most of all not faking it when you're still on the road. Many believe that sincerity, the secret of success  once faked it means you've got it made. Personally i believe in the opposite make it then fake it.

Photo credit: rubyblossom.

Setting Smart Goal and Resolutions

We all hope to improve some area of our lives in the New Year. Thousands make resolutions to quit smoking, weights loss, achieve success, and a stay healthy. But only 1 percent tend to achieve the goal.
 Goal Setting

I could recall a year ago, I made resolutions. Which later became unrealistic. That's the common culture around the world, people trying to change things without knowing what it takes to actually make it a success. There are techniques to set smart goals and achieve remarkable resolutions. These techniques could include:

1. Make the resolutions: Make a list of bad habit you want to break, things you want to accomplish. Convert them to goals. Resolution are vows while goals are results.

2. Make Realistic and Specific goals: why most people fail to achieve is failing to realize what
exactly they want. Paint a vivid picture of what you want. (You want to achieve success in life or business )

3. Time: Give it a lifespan. Ask your self: "is my goal attainable-accomplished within a reasonable period? Hence, map out this period. Say 366day (1year), I will accomplish my goals successfully.

4. Be Ready to Strive: Know your strength and weakness. Am I fit for this? What distracts my focus? Ok it's my friends!  I vow never to make. the same mistakes again.

5. Seek for knowledge and skills: master your ideas. For example, to become a successful lawyer you most spend a year in Law school. The needed information prepares you for obstacles and all the things ahead.

6. Team Up: Build a network. To achieve your resolution, You have to start networking with people with similar interest. Is it weight loss? You need people that will make motivate you,give you reasons to loss more pounds. Start with the little things. don't underrate yours little beginning. Above all be optimistic build your confidence. When it's get going remember to measure the progress.

Bottom line.
==> Make a list of your goals.
==> Be specific.
==> Make it realistic.
==> Should be attainable
==> Timely .
==> Get the needed knowledge.
==> Build a good network.
==> Make progress and measure how far you have gone.

Smart Goal. This year I will be successful, I have to start a little business, the one I know best and i can do well. In the time frame of 64 days I will extend it and before the end of this year i Will be employing more people.

Why You Should Never Ever Give Up

Why You Should Never Ever Give Up

At certain point life and all our hard works and investment seems unproductive. Making it to that pinnacle of success seems like the seas you crossed were all in vein. The land of fulfilment gets farther the closer you get, you still feel behind. When all the faith is hopeless and insufficient and the only option left is giving up . Are you in such situation or is life so unfair to such extend?  Today i tell you never to give up on your dreams. Time will heal everything. As the saying goes'' Winners Never Give Up. In order walk into the hall of fames and have a chapter in the history book you need to have in mind that nothing good comes easy and Rome  was not built in a day.  Like i said lately'' We need to be motivated timelessly'' to man up our courage .

Thomas Edison failed but he never gave up.  While in school Thomas was regarded as the least student due to his  inability  to shine like his class mate. His teacher told him that'' He was to stupid to learn anything ''. His unproductive head made him to lose two jobs. He never lets those disabilities hold him back.  He still went on, trying to prove    no one could ever thought of, he still failed this times 1000 times as an attempts to invent light bulb . Despite the multiple failed attempts he never accepted failure, when asked how it felt failing multiply  times he replied'' I didn't fail, the 1000 times were steps''. 

Marilyn Monroe; the sixth greatest female star of all time never woke up one to day to this award. She hits the stone hard and crossed of valley. She was sack after she failed to turn for  firming. Her first modelling job paid only 5 $ enough to make any body take the exist but she never did.  Before the fame as an actress and a sex figure encountered lot of obstruction, hits many obstacles even got sack by her first Hollywood studio, faced problems in her home, marriage and career she never gave up.  '' Just because you fail once doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything''.

Michael Jordan wasn't an exception. Today his the greatest basket baller of all time but this didn't just happen.Sea were crossed,ship sink and glasses were broken. Years later he said..'' I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career, I've lost almost 300 games. 29 times, I've been trust to take the wining shoots and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that's why i succeed. ''

Never hang down in your comfort zone find a way. Failure is never an end point but preparing and a test of your strength if you've have what it's takes. There is no dought that failure is a friend and that everyone encounter with failure is for a better reason. Sri Chinmoy said “Not to give up under any circumstances should be the motto of our life: we shall try again and again, and we are bound to succeed. There will be obstacles, but we have to defy them. So do not give up, do not give up! Continue, continue! The goal is ahead of you. If you do not give up, you are bound to reach your destined goal.“
''When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.''_Harriet Beecher Stowe.
Success and failure can make you loose concentration. All what you need is the right tool which is the wisdom  and power of unconditional surrender, Listen to you drum. Everything gets better with time, Never give up. Like Edison, Marilyn, Michael Jordan and other famous successful people today they faced the hard side of life, they never gave up.

Photo credit: Spitefully

Be Purpose Driven: 5 Things Purpose Driven People do Differently

What is the purpose of life? What's mine all about?. Those are few of numerous questions that babbles in our heads. Many of us are not happy  where we are or what we do just because we never wanted that but we were given or we chosed it because our friends did. It affects your life in a long run, at your place of work if purpose didn't drives you the joy of being there won't overtake you.

Buddha says '' Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it". A lot of  people are not happy where they are. Put their whole hearth and soul to it seems suffocating. I think  they weren't purpose driven and tactic while choosing career. Being purposed driven--- know the mission- the task that fulfil a purpose- Live it a vision-be positive in thoughts and focus on achieving all that.

 5 Things Purpose Driven People do Differently

1.Live With A Vision: Living with perception is one vital tool great and successful  people make use of . I read stories of many great men and how they went through many vision killer circumstances but they still kept  it alive. They all came to conscious understanding of certain things. Using the power of desire they all become a success and made history. I can recollect years ago my life cycled around the TV and my vision was blurred. The kind of person I'll become in 5 years  time i couldn't visualized. 3 years later i came to knowledge that there's a world out there the brighter than the fantasies i see on the TV screen. And also that you never be great when the basics and aspiration is lacked. One must find his own purpose for life.

2.Determination and Focus: A purposeful driven individual makes up their mind to be focus and pay no attention to fantasies,pleasure that are dis-tractive.. These days Smartphone and the internet can be one of those. They have a negative spirit. I challenge you to identify your weakness, do away with your time killer. and then put your camera at whatever is your purpose.

Determination changes your view,--- an active force that keeps you motivated. Strengthen your will power and restructure your desire. Energies that purposefulness in you and make you embrace chance and embarrassment.

4.Dream Little: We are constantly informed that dreams comes through and that impossibility is a mere word accepted by mediocre who don't think outside the box. Making many to shoot for the stars hastily and aim at nothing.I believe that success is a deck, steps takes you there. Like the popular adage'' Rome was not built in a day'' Every purpose after realization materialize gradually. Dream little and grow bigger in no time.

5.Follow Your Bliss and find Happiness. Most people claim to learn to love something with times while others fell even before they understood better. Whatever which is not your bliss can never be, it will be impossible to find joy being a nurse when you never liked sick people. But you decided to chose the career because your friend Alicia did. Happiness lies in doing what you love.

5.Sacrifice for that Purpose: Sacrifice is the price you pay to fulfil a purpose. Nothing parachute itself in to space. Someone must have made it happened. ''Dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Hard work is the price we must pay for success. I think you can accomplish anything if you're willing to pay the price.''-- Vince Lombardi

Lastly, put your whole soul to it. A passionate nurse put her soul to the profession. She sacrifice her life into it like in the recent Ebola cases. She find great joy because her purpose for life has been found. Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart.-- Jalal ad-Din Rumi

Over to You

As for me my purposed for life seems many right now. I see myself and this blog changing lives, bringing joy to people and re-framing the mindset of people all around the world that Happiness can be attained. And also see myself one day being there for others and whole a lot of things no one has ever dreamt off, i guess i have to be specific, but does it really matters?.

Now I'll like you to ponder over these questions. What is your mission on earth?, What's is your purpose for life, have your find it yet or still searching?. For those of you that are presently living it how does it feel doing what makes you always wanted, what you love and are you actually putting your whole soul to it?. 

70 Questions To Inspire Rapid Self-discovery

Questions inons That Will Change Your Life 
self discovering

 Sometimes thoughtful questions trigger the successful change factor in us. The world and things we all carry drops us in strange land full of questions marks.  In life, when it comes to setting of goals  marking them turnt out, mindful questions that moves power need to asked, examine and put into considerations. I discover that everybody needs to be motivated at least once a day. Motivational words awakens the sleep weak inner person. It's energize and provoke that successful humanity. It might be any form. Written or verbally. '' Someone who ask questions never gets lost in strangeland.''  Some area in your life might be stagnant and you don't need a fortune teller. All you need is reasoning, self examination, self searching. Trying to locate the particular area that needs improvements.  Questions, life changing questions need to asked.

At times i sit and put my heart upon my selves , i ask my self the below questions when i get off track.
  1. Who Am i and Where am i?.
  2. Where will i be in the next 5 years to come.?
  3. Am i the real version of me?
  4.  What does success mean to me?
  5. What are you passionate about?
  6. What are your values? What do you represent? What do you want to embody?
  7. Do you love yourself?
  8. Can i win?
  9. What kind of seed am i planting?
  10. What will happen to me, my family and belongings when i die?
  11. If you were to die three hours from now, what would you regret most?
  12. What is holding me back?
  13. Who are the 3 people who had most powerful influence on you?
  14. What’s your deepest secret?
  15. What is happiness for you?
  16. How can you love yourself more today?
  17. What would you do today if there is no more tomorrow?
  18. For every experience you get: What are the biggest things you have learned?
  19. How can you do this better the next time?
  20. When was the last time you did something spontaneously?
  21. Which are the most memorable moments from your past?
  22.  Are you making the same mistakes over and over again?
  23.  Forget your real age for a second – now tell yourself how old are you?
  24. How important is social approval for you?
  25. Do you live for others or for yourself?
  26. What was the last life lesson you learnt?
  27. Do you love your job?
  28. What is your ideal career?
  29. How can you start creating your ideal career starting today?
  30. What is your ideal home like?
  31. When was the last time you helped someone?
  32. What’s your life’s biggest achievement?
  33. Do I seize opportunities?
  34. What can you do to start living your ideal life?
  35. What do you fear most in life?
  36. How can I bring more joy into my life?
  37. Who do I want to meet?
  38. What adventures do I want to go on?
  39. What is your ideal physical look?
  40. What do you need to do to achieve your ideal physical look?
  41. What is your ideal life?
  42. What do I want more of in my life?
  43. Am I open-minded? Am I flexible?
  44. Am I quick to judge others?
  45. Do I take calculated risks?
  46. Do I give others sincere compliments?
  47. Do I appreciate what others do for me?
  48. Where do I want to go?
  49. Do I care too much about what others think of me?
  50. When was the last time you were proud of yourself?
  51. If everything was possible where would you live?
  52. What are the achievements you are most proud of?
  53. What are you most grateful for in life?
  54. What are the most important things to you in life?
  55. How would you describe yourself?
  56.  What stops you from making the first step towards your dream?
  57. When was the last time you took a risk?
  58. Did you ever help complete stranger?
  59. What is your greatest fear?
  60. Which word describes your personality best?
  61. What inspires you?
  62. What was the biggest change initiated by you in the past 5 years?
  63. If you have  10 thousand dollars, what would you do with it?
  64. What do you need to do to achieve your ideal home?
  65. What do I want less of in my life?
  66. Am I on the look out for opportunities?
  67. Am i making the right memories?
  68. How many people have i help to reach their full potential?
  69. Are my friends improving or damaging my life?
  70. Is experience truly my best teacher?

 Who am i? Where am i? Where will i be in the next 5 years to come?: I combined these three because i think the trio is a must asked. I stood in front of the mirror, i saw someone,the reflection of me. Bright faced but deep inside it's color riot. I ponder about this times without number.Who i'm i? is that boy in the mirror the real me or something like Mona Lisa. ? . Where am i ?comes to  my mind  often. The world and the life we lived is evil and uncertainty is the order of the day. Unplanned things happens everyday and am left with questions. Sometimes i ask why was  i born at first place.  Does the future really exist if it does then Where will  i be in the next years to come?. Will i still be at my mamas house or on my own or probably be the man my dad was'nt.?

 Do really love myself? ,What's love?: Anytimes i break any of my personal 10 commandments i get this feeling, the sensational kind you get when you turn tables and burn bridges. That quilt, i end up saying i don't love myself. I think if do love i wont hurt him. I came to conclusion that experience was never the best teacher and loving my self is far beyond lay blames when i go wrong.

10 Reasons Why You Are Still Nowhere Near Success

Year after year people makes resolutions, set goals,dream of succeeding in their business, they bet their bottom dollar but end up achieving below the par'. Alongside, we notice it's not like they have never worked hard like their fellow counterpart who planted on a piece of land and harvested good products nor because others have got 2 heads better than ours. It's simply because we have not been able to search ourselves through to know what could be responsible for such. Today I'll be sharing with you few reasons you never accomplished or failed to achieve bountiful.

10 Reasons Why You Can't Achieve Success.

1. Our thoughts,character contributes more to our achievements in life. An optimist strives to achieve his desire while a pessimist occupies his head with thoughts of failure and impossibility which reaps no results. James Allen said" All that you accomplish or fail to accomplish with your life is the direct result of your thoughts". Pensively, are you an optimist or a pessimist?
To get this right, note that we are the author and finisher of our fortunes. The subconscious mind attracts hidden thoughts and it directly manifest in our characters. Hence, negative thoughts materializes into failure. Nothing is done without being optimistic ,hope and confident. Believe in yourself that you actually do that which seems impossible
The joy in doing what is best for you tend drive you crazy. A purpose driven someone knows what he is after and he enjoys doing it. Therefore,success lies in doing what you love to do. I challenge you to find your purpose for life, be specific, have a target ---a goal you want to achieve and devote your time, energy to it, with the right mindset success lies.
3.You Procrastinate Wrongly.
Most people procrastinate by waiting for an appointed time, they fail to recognize that this appointed time can only be met when they tend to make effort doing what is expected of them rightly.
Our friends don't decide our life though but they can influence it, positively or negatively. There's most likely we are influenced by those with whom we relate. Our society has made this perception in numerous regions of conduct; The possibility of being influenced by those we spend our 24 hours with is a high. This is why: "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with." . Keeping company with those who are positive to your success in life gives you more energy, "Success is a journey fun when embarked with people who's desires is to achieve it. In Napoleon Hill's book. Think and Grow Rich: Chapter 10. Power of the Master Mind. He stressed out the importance of keeping company with people whose focus is to attain a definite purpose. To accomplish a goal a strong mastermind group or network is very vital. Great walls are built by groups of masterminded builders . A wise king makes wiser decisions with a committee of smart elders. Also, a successful man keeps company with success conscious people. Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." - Henry Ford.
In life, whatever happens to you is a product of whatever choice you make. Hence, nothing hits a man unless he permits it. Failure to motivate your self is like failing to begin: "Be courageous enough to enjoy courage. self motivation therefore energizes you to dream which helps to achieve a greater ambition."
6. You Never Care to Eliminate Distractions.
This era,people care less not knowing that any unproductive minute wasted is a moment lost forever . We tend to keep ourselves busy with the master of distractions called the internet, smartphones,watching TV, playing video games,associating with negative people , wasting away in wrong relationship that draw us backwards while you're supposed to plant the great trees of tomorrow.
All those makes life tough but it's makes you live for today not for tomorrow's satisfaction. The best way to strike a balance is learn to manage time effectively and increase your productivity.Care less of what people think of you, turn off notifications, avoid starting your day in neutral but make the most out of your everyday and develop a distraction free routine.
7. You Were not Passionate about what you desired for./Never Believed In Your Ability
When you fail to to ignite the burning desire for something and let the aspirations drive your you won't identify the beauty in the struggle. Remember:"Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day of your life." -Confucius
8.Your Failed to Plan  Your Life.
Many understand the importance of planning ceremonies but fail to implement the same technique when it's comes to life accomplishment. Anyone who doesn't plan, in contrary digs his own graves(plans to fail). Planning is an unavoidable function of success. It's of no meaning to go after achieving something not planned for because the possibility of achievement is slim. A plan gives you direction, you in control , prepares you against uncertainty ,it's the vehicles that drives your purpose. And move your subconscious mind at work. Life could be so unclear when looked from afar but brighter when viewed from the right angle.
This era,people care less not knowing that any unproductive minute wasted is a moment lost forever . We tend to keep ourselves busy with the master of distractions called the internet, smartphones,watching TV, playing video games,associating with negative people , wasting away in wrong relationship that draws us backwards while you're supposed to plant the great trees of tomorrow.
All those makes life tough but it's makes you live for today not for tomorrow's satisfaction. The best way to strike a balance is learn to manage time effectively and increase your productivity.Care less of what people think of you, turn off notifications, avoid starting your day in neutral but make the most out of your everyday and develop a distraction free routine.

10.You Never Thought About Getting Off Your Comfort zone .
At times why people fail is just simply a matter of locations, the place,the wrong time, the wrong job, wrong city, its a very unrealized tricks. Every one is succeeding in that field but not everybody is capable, Knowing when to move to the next opportunity. When to get off your comfort zone, it could be in form of changing your mind, habits, friends. Accomplishing success in life is a choice but being poor is a decision. Be determined then you can overcome the obstacles nothing will work unless you do. 10.You
A downfall was never the end but simply an opportunity to begin again, more wittily. Those times you never accomplish anything were steps and foundation of success. You fail to recognize them. One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when one is overtaken by temporary defeat.. Failure is a friend. Be sincere with your work and don't be afraid to take chances.
Action and It's Price
All accomplishment has price tags. Without having proper understanding of the scope of how to accomplish it in life, you won't stand a test of time. Having a talent is one thing,discovering, utilizing and exposure is another. People who fail most times took all the steps to reach that pinnacle (success ) but things went sideways. Karma tend to play her role in lives of those who permits it. Many harbour the insane beliefs that their misfortune is as a result of lack of luck or fate. Nothing is impossible. Like I said in the beginning Of this post, our future is in our hands. We are the architect ,we recreate and design Who we want to become. To succeed, be conscious,find your purpose and put your whole soul to it, above all be pure in the heart, smart abstain from crooked ways.

4 Keys To Success


Have you ever look back and measure the height you've attained in life, things you gave to be where you're?. The road to success never felt so smooth right. Success is crooked. You might be at the grass-root right now but i believe that wherever someone is right now is a success already. Success is the consequences of one's deeds, it's an achievement of one's aims. It never a miracles or something someone receives as a gift. Success is a journey of thousand miles it achieved in a while and only those with matured minds survives.

Be Success Conscious. The road to success is glift, to make it to a plateau it more than merely climbing. It all about being smart and alert. Being conscious of success means being aware of what you're about to achieved. It all about being aware of one's awareness, it all about knowing and being ready to conquer no matter how hard it gets. Anyone whose attentive is ready for it. Nothing on earth comes to anyone who who is not well prepared.
'' Success comes to those who becomes success conscious. Failure to those who differently allow himself to become failure conscious''_ Napoleon Hills.
Plan. Before something becomes a success the first step toward that is by making plans, painting an image or design of everything. Plan what you want and the dimension, the durations it will take it to be materialize. Planning your way to success is making up your minds, your intentions backed up with actions and expectations to achieving something. To becomes successfulness you must plan and work those plans.

Success don't come overnight. Many still have this mediocre believe that success can come be miraculous.  Which i disagree, all the successful people never  woke up to all they dreamt of when they slumber. But through handwork and consistence hunger for it. Times needs to be invested.
Day and night. Steady progress towards the goal at hand,nothing is forever easy everything goes to those who attracts them.

Patience . Impatient have ended many in places not meant for them. It can be harmful.When it comes to achieving anything one must be patience.Without it nothing grows except weeds.
Lastly, failure is a friend, to win something you have to lose and they say the downfall of a man isn't the end but a beginning, a test. No matter how focus you're failure will always be around but never give up. Above all loving what you do is the most important key.

Resilience training – take it to live life properly

Resilience training
Have you ever faced any trauma, bad experience, death of a family member in life? Well, these are the most important facts of our life. People have to face it at some point of time. Some bad experiences make people so weak that they forget to stand on their leg. Trauma can be the most dangerous part of life that sometimes makes people mad. It snatches away your thinking power and makes you half dead. Who wants to live a beautiful life in this way? Nobody come here to experience such things. Sorrow is a part of life but it is not the entire life. Happiness is also important and every person has the right to live happily.
Advantages of resilience training:
So, if you want to maintain the normal life, enjoy the positive life and experience the beauty of life then it is really important to take resilience training. Resilience is a part of human character that makes them able to get the power to fight with everything. If you can manage to get this ability then, you can easily fight with stress, get over of your trauma, any adversity of life. You will definitely be able to deal with the tragedies of life with the help of this training. 
Resilience training helps people to become more confident. It is such a good effect that it will give you a healthy life. You will be able to control your health as well as psychological aspects with the help of this training. It will give you the confidence to handle your life and you will be able to face different challenges that come into your path. 
Without proper resilience power human cannot deal with their problems. They cannot manage to get the best solution to deal with it. So, naturally they have to use some bad tactics to handle the stress. It will hamper your personal life and sometimes can take you under depression. 
Due to all these severe reasons it is really important to take help from resilience training. There are many such training centres that help people to understand the meaning of life and know their strength. You should find out the centres as soon as possible and take help from it. You can search on internet to get the details of these training centres. It is always good to live a happy life. You should know how to fight with different challenges and how to deal with them. Take resilience training and get a better life.

Single and Free:How To Be Alone And Love Every Seconds Of It

Single and Free:How To Be Alone And Love Every Seconds Of It
Photo credit: Richard John Pozon

The single sphere is one moment one should be thankful of, it's the most important moment of life. When to fix all the broken links and the balance. This century relationships between  the opposite sex has made it to the mainstream. In the secular world being isn't right, and if someone makes such decision it base on a particular reason. But along the line the individual fails keeping to his decisions.

One being in relationship does not guarantee happiness and peace of mind, the entire image is so vivid but never right as it seems. A single person can be more happier and successful in his works. Being single was never a crime, it's naturally we were all born that way. So, what's so special about it?. It's just s microchip that was stuck in our minds by nature and decorated by human.

A single man can enjoy this privilege , he was made to live that way,make the most out of every single sec and live happily like it's his last. The mentality of being bored makes it seems impossible and a dumb moves. Well not trying to hate on natural chemistry though am trying to break that mental bondage of impossibility.

The first step to every successful journey usually begins with making of minds, maybe everyone around be fronting, showing up their romance mate and you feel inferior. Taking a bold step is all about turning blind eyes to all those things. You will come in contact with several of such occasions. People everywhere walking in two's. Cuddling and holding hands. You might feel like a loser. Determination and sticking to your decisions will empower and motivate you to feel comfortable even in the worst situation.

Loving your self more than you used to is another step to a happy living. Loving every single things and making the most out of every moment gives life a definition. True loves is hidden somewhere beneath your innermost. It can't be explored by anyone else but discovered by your when your personal interest and wants is in accordance.

Manage your times effectively,idleness gives room  to loneliness and thoughts that trigger feelings of boredom. Which invites negative feelings of living in a different world. A busy person has little or no time for anything pertaining relationship that will distract you.
Keeping company with negative people can get you off deck. Making effective use of the power in NO. and detaching from anything that will shift your decisions.
 Single and Free:How To Be Alone And Love Every Seconds Of It
 Photo credit: Alba Soler Photography

1.Know why you made this decision. Everything happens for a reason. Declaring to remain single wasn't decisions someone made for you. You choose  this, remind yourself why you did this, the important and the benefits it comes with. Being single means no breakups, no heartbreaks, no emotional abuse,no feeling lonely and missing anyone.

2.Get Serious in a anything you're involved in. Are you that religious type, it's time to exercise your faith fully. work hard in your day to day job. As a student read more. You're free from those emotional adversity of life. Acquire all you can.

3.Travel around. All your favourite cities you wish you could see,pay a visit to historical scenes, museum and have fun.

4.Listen to music while you relax after a hard day, eat good,read journals, blogs and enjoy every minute alone.

5. Learn something new. You can find yourself new activities to replace the time people spend in relationship. Go for  course on self improvement,  attain yoga classes, exercise. learn things you never knew.

6.Get yourself a pet.  You needs something lively to connect with, not necessarily the opposite sex but pets can be fun.

7.Dress,act different. Now you don't need all eyes to be on you, enjoying that single life is more than saying, it requires action. Act differently dress to unimpress people.

8.Be confident and ccourageous Without courage no task can be completed. Something it will be complicated. You will feel weak and negative.  Remember it's won't last forever. The right person will always come when you've made yourself a better person. A better and independent lover.

9.Enjoy the ride. Any activity you don't enjoy doing won't last. Enjoying the ride is all about being comfortable with your new lifestyle. Smiles, sing, dance when you feel like.

10. know your limit. You're living a single and free life doesn't mean you won't makes male and female  friends. You can go out and mix with people. Discuss relationship matters with others but above all know your limit and avoid them. There are boundaries, make them and never cross the line.

One can still be alone but feel happy like never before,relationships this days merely bring happiness, instead some turn to a living hell. Being alone is a choice made upon a reason but not rejection by the opposite sex, not in anyway mean you're scared of getting hurt.The best period to have a close relationship with yourself and get to know the real you better. Never see it as lack of opportunity.Be alone and feel happier than ever.

Famous Bobby Womack Quotes

Famous Bobby Womack Quotes
Bobby Womack 

I like to see it when people can grow up but not grow out.

I started with Sam Cooke when I was 6 or 7 years old.

I was talking to Ronald Isley and I was telling him they'll eat till they make themselves sick. Man, he takes requests and stays on stage for four hours.

I will play my part by singing the spirit into every open heart.

I'll tell you a big secret. I used to be paranoid about everything, but especially about my voice.
I'm not going to go out there weighing 900 pounds.

I've had a pretty good career but I can't get a record company now. I don't see too much money from any of the records. I was very angry about that but I couldn't carry the anger around-it was killing me. Everybody has to reach their own destiny and I don't waste no time on negative energy.

If anybody rap, I did. I used to talk on all of my records; I didn't used to call it anything but telling people how I felt before I start singing. It's like in the doo-wop days; I came up through that. What if this generation heard that? They would think it was crazy.
If I didn't love it, I wouldn't do it, because the business side of it is so crazy. One minute they want you, next they don't.

If you think things are going great and you say, man I gotta great job, you just gotta raise. The next minute, your momma dies. Life plays games with you.

If you're singing gospel and you didn't do good by the people, you didn't get the next date.
It is my fondest wish that the gift of song that God has given me will flow from my soul to yours and help ease any burden that might weigh upon you.

It's a sad thing but I haven't heard from Sly in many years.

It's not just that the singers don't know how to do it any more; sometimes I feel like the audience don't know either. I mean, I want them to make me feel a part of it.

Leave them wanting more and you know they'll call you back.

Me being from the old school, I would not say bitch on a record. I couldn't face my mother if I did.

Mick and Keith write such great songs now. They were learning then. They couldn't have been who they are today if they didn't start speakin' out about their life and what they had to say about it. You can sing somebody else's story, but you can't live nobody else's story as well as they live it.

 Ain't it weird how a person's life is so boring they gotta wait on you to get up to call you and then hang up? Well, I got my day goin' on now. I said, damn I wouldn't mind if they at least said hello, but just to call me at four in the morning to breathe down the phone.

But people's always callin' me crazy, so I'm gonna go with my people.

Don't let the business side, which is the cold side, dictate all your God-given talents for a dollar. It ain't worth it.

Everybody was trying to outdo each other. When you got on stage, they would literally tell you, I'm kicking your ass tonight. Even now I carry that with me.

Gospel was so small. You couldn't think about buying houses or doing anything for your parents.

He changed his name, but Sam Cooke's voice was so noticeable that as soon as he sung the first note, you knew it was him. But when the gospel people said, We're through with Sam, you know you couldn't come back.

I hope that one day, and I pray it will be in my lifetime, people of all colors can learn to truly live in peace; and that children can have the opportunity to know the innocence of youth and the joy of a limitless and bountiful future.

I keep living life as it's dealt to me. Sometimes, it's not dealt 100 percent. Sometimes it's dealt on the low '30s.

I like it more when an artist take my song and don't try to do me. When they just take it to a whole 'nother level.

My father had seven brothers and eight sisters, and they all had weird names. One's name was West, and another was East.

My father had seven brothers and sisters. They had a group called the Womack Family. My father waited a long time to see if there was any signs of his sons singing.

My father used to rehearse us so much, he just became the boss. Now I can see I was blessed. He would be so tired from working in that steel mill that we kids knew we only had a couple of hours to hang with him before he fell asleep.

To make a little extra money, my father cut hair. One day, a guy came to him with a guitar and said, If you give me free haircuts, I'll give you this guitar.

We came up very poor. My kids have had a much better life than I'd ever thought of livin'.

We started singing around all the churches. Sam Cooke had just joined a group called the Soul Stirrers. We opened up his show, and from there we just kept going singing.

We would do a thing where we would put the radio on and take turns seeing who could play whatever song came on.

We'd sit four in the back, three in the front, or four in the front. Man, I don't know how we could even do it, traveling from one city to another!
When I played with Sam Cooke, all you needed was a big, full, clean sound.

Wilson Pickett said he wanted me to play on his album. So I went to Memphis. Coming up with intros would make the song happen.

You can't go on stage loaded and then stand backstage and get loaded again. The best way to do it is not to do it at all.

You gotta know when it's time to hang up. But when I finally go, let me go out on stage, my perfect ending. Don't let me go when I'm sick or asleep. Let me be in motion.

You know you always need a spark in life and in music, period.

Nobody could understand why a guy would love his guitar, then all of a sudden turn around and try to destroy it. Jimi was just different.

People shout out for songs and I don't even remember writing them.

Sometimes when you're down for the count and don't really feel like getting' up, you have to stay around your peers and the people who love your music or you feel like you're thrown out.

The best thing you could do is learn how to read music.

The gospel world was waiting on something to happen bad to Sam Cooke, because they felt he betrayed God. This was very serious. And Sam didn't live a long time. Sam was about 30 when he was killed.

The record that took off was, You Send Me. That sold about 3 million copies. That was what you would call an impact record. Everybody knew the song.

There would be loads and loads of young pretty women, all there to see Sam Cooke. It was like a rock 'n' roll show. The preachers didn't like it, but they liked the fact that he was able to draw the younger generation in.

These days, I don't say anything to other performers because I don't want to get cussed out.
They would dress in silk suits. Everybody would dress alike, but very sharp. Anything that was real flash and sharp. It brought a new style to gospel.

Start Taking Control: 10 Things You Should Start Doing To Yourself

Start Taking Control:

Busy schedule most at times and laziness tempers with our well being.Having full control of your self is far beyond eating good and dressing nice. Love is care and care is of different stages, it's proper balance of ones physical,spiritual,emotional stage. Maintaining a good hygiene,health to self improvement. Many procrastinate, other lets others decide for them while other save for tomorrow and limit their self from certain right and privilege now.

Note that there is fine line between making most out of today and trading what you desire most all for the pleasure of today. Life  and things goes sideways this end and it's advisable to secure the future and enjoy the present still.

Are you still a slave to your own self? Then who's the boss. Never limit yourself. Starting taking control of your life and acquire all the necessary things that you ought to obtain. Being now, start doing the below thing to your self.

1. Take Good Care Of Yourself

A healthy lifestyles and practice improves one's self, it's easy to have a pure mind and be a good shape when you eating good, stop eating junk foods and managing when you know the it not advancing your physical health. Exercise daily, making all those joint and the whole of your body system vibrant. And never forget to have enough rest after a hard day at work, never try to cheat sleep because you can't. An individual who takes good care of his self is a happy,positive minded man.

2.Flee Away From Negative Thoughts

No amount of negative conversion has the power to triumph over any discomfort the only out of it is apply techniques, to get rid of them when it comes to your nothing that negative self talk is within, detach it and don't gives room for it.

3.Stop Making Assumption

Self judgemental without proof of being guilty or of what other thought about you, the imagination of not being accepted like everybody that surrounds you when  you have no proof that it's truth. Assuming that people are pissed of because you mistake A for B or little bird is probably gossiping about you as you walked by is of no important. Instead approach the little bird but why worrying thing without proof, thing you're not actually sure about? Look for proof instead of making assumptions.

4. Remind Yourself of the Things You Are Thankful For

There are 24 hours in a day, you spent nearly all on jobs,in the office all in the names of making money. Taking few seconds off to appreciate life and things therein won't have any negative effect on you and your business.

5.Worry Less

If you found yourself being dealt with by excessive worries the best thing to do is interrupt such unpleasant feeling with something totally different.  You can match Mr. Ben or listen to songs and if it's still persist then get out your comfort zone. Mingle with happy people who makes you smile.

6. Refrain from Trying to be Perfect

Everyone get piss off, you yelled at someone or say provocative words to people. No one is totally clean, have no fear of perfection because you'll never reach there.

7. Learn Loving, Yourself and Others

Nothing is so sweet like a kiss from a friend, and nothing is so romantic than giving out love unconditionally. No certificate or practice is required to care and be there for others around you. And most of all treating yourself the exact way you do others.

8. Be There For Others, Help Others Out

It's brings joy  while helping someone out of situations. Volunteer to build churches, school. You can involve in community development or humanitarian service. Volunteer your precious busy time to reach out for someone or your money. The more you care for others the more your blessing  doubles.

9.Increase Your Social Activity

By doing this you boast yourself. Negative thinking comes to lonely minds, social interactions increases your happiness. Networking with fun loving and positive person, positive energy will influence you. You can use the social media ,social gathering. Go outdoors and interact with people with differ believes.

10. Life Happily Everyday

The very purpose of live is to seek happiness.  Seek not happiness too greedily. Change your thought because it depend on your thoughts. Eat when you feel hungry,sleep, interact with people and never hurt someone. Smile even in worst situations.

Life is too short to be lacking behind. Live life to it's fullest, explore. Make a different, leave legacy behind. Many believes will always come around to swing the balance. Start taking control now or never.

Photo credit: martinak15

There Is Money Everywhere

Everyone everywhere is either chasing  money or nothing at all. Money seems to ruining away from certain people  and to others. No.things don't work that way. Everything goes to those who seeks it's face. When i tell people that money is everywhere it sounds funny and headless. You can get all only if you understand the principle of how this rules that controls money works.  Nothings goes for nothing, in order to win something as they say you got to lose. You give up (sacrifices) one thing to gain abundance.

Change Your Mind

Failure starts at times with abrupt thoughts. A mind with strong will attracts wonders. Desire to have money in the worst place, in an environment that everything seems impossible. If no one in your linage have ever achieved such before that doesn't stand as a dam. You can be whoever only if you believe, use positive words and change your mind. How will money come your way when you view it as something devilish.?

Use Your Talent

Money won't ever come unless you work for it. Money is everywhere but it won't come until you b plant seeds that we grow it.  All the famous people in the world are products of their talents. Using your talent carves an opportunity and control over what you earn. Your naturally God's given talenti is one tool that could push you places. Talent is only chapter but a lot of hard working makes it's shine.

Don't Wait for A Cheerful Giver

Many believe that they can't make it all alone. Well that true so sit and wait for manner to fall from heaven. Good samaritans do exist but pursuing the things you love instead of the goal and can attract someone who can't take his eye off you. You are responsible for your life stop being influence by peoples opinion. Accumulate wealth and be that cheerful giver.

Be Hard Woking

You have probably heard of the saying that without hard work that nothing grows but weed. That true, hard work doesn't mean hard manual labour, many get this wrong, you don't have to dig graves, carry the whole world on your head,break rocks in other to certified as hard working.
That's totally stress, people still get the real meaning of hard work in our society today. According to Vince Lombardi he defines hard work as the price we pay for success. It might be times you spent trying to conquer,the quality time you spent trying, putting you focus,practicing determines how hardworking you is floating in the air, it now left for you to grow them. You could work under someone and still live a better life. Nothing is free, to get rich you have to make a concrete

Money Is Everywhere

The games is your court now, money is watching you now go and get it, use your credit card, go to the bank. Even online here there is more  money. Just go for it and  believe you can make it and the sky will be your limit.

Mistakes You Make In Your Early Age

Mistakes You Make  In Your Early Age
Wrong career, marrying the wrong person,spending no saving,messing up your reputation,making bad investment, following friends, wild.We all makes mistakes once in our life, at certain ages of our life we tend to go wild, we involve yourself in some cases.  To err is human, some of the mistakes contribute to our growth in life while others makes us regrets. But we can never right our wrong.

You might have made decisions, choose wrong carrier, you spend your little earning necessarily. They are inevitable, we learn from them. The earlier you makes some this mistakes the earlier you realize it and amend them and the least they affect your life negatively.

  •  Making Bad Investment. When you invest your time and cash on thing you're not passionate about it. Bad investment can be paying attentions on wrong things. You invest in profitable business. It might be stock or real estate. The earlier you invest the strong you get, the more experience, the more you get used to risk taking and fluctuations.

  •  Following Wrong Friends: As we grow we begin developing different lifestyle at some stages, you makes friends, out of 4 there will be some bad seed. The one that will tell you about the other side of life, the negative, the bad.  They influence you to smoke weed, get drunk and go after the opposite sex.  It's something we all experience at young age and as we advance we get the light and everything becomes clearer in our eyes. Then you distance yourself from them gradually, even though it won't be simple.

  • Messing Up:  Painting bad image of yourself can never be good, it ruins your reputation. Anything little err you err today can affect your future. You might think you were being tough, rough or hard then.  It never too late to start over again, you might have loose credibility at tender ages.

  • Marrying The Wrong Person:  More people are getting divorce this days, the number is increasing tremendously. Marriage don't end in death this century. The earlier couples realize the fault or the other they more the  tear apart.  Love can mislead, people cover up when the know it's beneficial until marriage then they unveil the real them some others choose the wrong person. I believe through thorough examination one can find out if they are right or wrong for them.

  • Choosing a Wrong Career:   Doing something you chose because your friends did can turn your life into a living hell in oldest age. You might have seen people who complain they don't find happiness in the present job. Bouncing back will seems suicidal because of their age. A Lot couple of job don't pay well, you'll be thinking about retirement, family bills and a whole lot of things to live up to with limited capital.

Photo credit: Helga Weber