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8 Golden Rules To Being Great In Life

7:05 PM Daniel's Chronicle 13 Comments

Greatness  is having or doing extraordinary  things that mediocre people can't never attempt to. Not necessary the state of superiority. Everyone wants to be like Michael Jackson  doing the mood work and like the rest of the genius that ever lived and get their name written in ink on the page of history book. The road to greatness  is full of failure and fright. It's like you're running for your life on a camel back, its fury,a process, a goal aim with patience and confident with energetic enthusiasm back up with passion and determination.  Powerful motivational words of greatness provokes the lying spirit in us, it caffeine our soul boost  and strengthens our mind.
What Great People Did:

1.Desire To Be Great:  '' There are many wonderful things that will never be done if you don't do them  said Charles D.Gill. You have to desire things before you can have them. The only big things on earth is desire, it's grows. The greater your desire the farther your growth extends. What you desire is seeking you.
'' A desire is anything but frivolous. It is the interface between you and that which is greater than you. No desire is meaningless or inconsequential. If it pull you. Even a little bit, it will take everyone higher. Desire Desire is where the divine lives, inside the inspiration of your desire. Every desire is of profound importance with huge consequences, and deserve your attention._Mama Gena.

2.Burn that motto'' IMPOSSIBLE'':  The greatest people  who once lived in the face of this earth  faced this insane powerless word. Impossible.  They proved it wrong, Helen Keller did, she told her disabilities..'' Impossible is just a word''.  Impossibilities are optional.  '' Often what seems impossible climb is just a staircase without the step drawn in.
Greatness is not measured by what a man or woman accomplishes, but by the opposition he or she has overcome to reach his goals._Dorothy Height
3.Eliminate Fear Of Failing: Fear is very wonder imaginations that throw minds on a step slope. Nothing that leads to greatness is ever straight, tiger and holocaust comes into the scene just to knock you off. Failure is colleague, never be afraid of it rather dare to.
“I was never afraid of failure; for I would sooner fail than not be among the greatest.”― John Keats

4.Be Open To Change: Greatness is in stages, one step to the other and each one is change it'self. Many people don't get the desire things just because they are dam to changes.  New ideas are really vital to great people. Its a doorways to growing bigger.
It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness._Lucius Annaeus Seneca

5.Create The Future:  Anyone who fail to draw the plan for his life and set gaols, picture his position in next 5 years is worthless  and a lost man. Great people created their future, makes decision and also recreated an unforgettable past all together. In order to design a black and white future all you have to do is Wake-up and start where are. ''ACTION'', The most important goal first.
''The mark of a great man is one who knows when to set aside the important things in order to accomplish the vital ones.”― Brandon SandersonThe Alloy of Law

6.Be Courageous: Success and greatness can never comes into existence when courages isn't the lead. Many human have showed courage as an important key to greatness.  Don't allow the fear of attaining a greater height scare you.
'' Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them_ William Shakespeare,twelve Night.
7.Be Your Self: The road to fames, great achievements in life's seems to change number of people. They lost that realness spirit.  One must maintain the natural balance by not permit the interference of the toughness on the path  to drag out the real version of them.  Judy Garland said'' Always be the first rate version of you.
 ''Wherever you go, no matter what weather, always bring your sunshine'' _Anthony J.
8.Simplicity, Love and Treat Others Equally.“A great man is always willing to be little.” said Ralph Waldo Emerson. There is nothing to be feeling too high about.  Simplicity to me is being humble,, Coco Chanel defined as “Simplicity a the keynote of all true elegance.” .  Truly there is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth. Many well people today are just so arrogant and hard. Love your fellow human. Its the only thing that show the level of your greatness. The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively._Bob Marley. Anyone can be whatever they want to be, great people don't have two heads and thousands life. Nothing can limit you unless you permit it. And when you achieve it don't get shallowed by the new flames.


  1. These are truly inspiring. I have learned a lot.

  2. I like the burn that motto Impossible because we can make them possible. Yes, we need to accept challenges in order to make a change in our life. Thanks for sharing the rules :)

  3. I agree. These are all realistic rules in life, one just need dedication to really achieve it.

  4. These are the most inspiring things to follow and be great. Greatness is a motivation deep within according to your outlook in life. Greatness, should be for the betterment of mankind, not destruction.

  5. We should conquer our fears and stop believing things are impossible. This would free us to be us more successful.

  6. I believe one always need to be ambitious else they can't become great ever.

  7. I believe one always need to be ambitious else they can't become great ever.

  8. I believe one must need to be ambitious else they can't be great in life.

  9. Yes... opening for a change is a good attitude. Looking back to our past is always contribute to our failure. And be confident!

  10. Great article for me Be open to change is one of the best points. In life there will be a constant change.

  11. Lovely article. To see things in a positive light will always bear better result. Nothing is beyond our reach.

  12. Powerful and inspiring posts, thanks for this! Just what I needed right now for a boost.


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