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5 Ways to Deal With Negative People

12:20 AM Daniel's Chronicle 9 Comments

Dealing With Negative  People
It's unimaginable strange how  a positive minded somebody hangs around the clock with people who sees things from the negative angle. A negative someone interupts positives communication with a total different viewpoint which may result in arguments and at the end nothing responsive, productive is gained. They can be annoying, they are bad influence and they need to get rid off to graduate on to the next living of life.

The lifestyle stagnates not only but those he keeps company  with. I have once found myself in mist of people like that and i can tell its was an experience no one should encounter.

Dealing With Negative People is like  solving a complicated chemical equation. It's done tactically and carefully and by using the appropriate formula. They can be your family members, friends,your roommate and i such case it's might seems like you lost him respect if you just breakout and neglect them.

1. Ignore Any Sort Of Argument.
One of the mistakes i made was trying to behave like light in between two dark. Arguing with them thinking am enlightening or defending the positive. I came to realize that it was like setting fire to the rain. A negative human is never out of viewpoint to back up his acclaimed rights.  Ignoring the argument sets the level of your maturing in dealings on the high.

2.Avoid Negative People.
 This set of guys are bad influence. They have what it takes to make any weak faithed minded individual a believer. They know how to paint a abstract picture and bring it into reality. Lights and darkness have nothing in common right? Avoid Negative People at all cost. Minimize the hours you spend with them, time is too precious  be wasted.

3.Don't Contribute in such Conversation.
Zero contribution, no matter how irresistible and tempting it might be. When its get out of hand smile and leave.

4.Love Them. Don't hate them but their attitude. well they kinda boring to you but i believe there is story behind everything. Someone made them to choose that lifestyle, it can be stress from work, the hard side of life. Religious misunderstanding.  Think of the best way to help them out but don't try to do number 5.

Don't Try to Change Them.
No amount of preaching can change a man, an encounter with the truth of everything and personal decisions is what is needed.  Let him know what this dark thoughts is doing to him and if he still insist. Know your limit and ignore them.


  1. Hi Danny,

    I think I will go in with your last piece of advise, don't try to change them. I have come across lots of negative guys and it is funny how firm they always intend to stand behind their points no matter how negative it is.
    I just do one thing; I just ignore them like you said!

  2. i think the best way is to stay away frpom them

  3. In my whole life, I encountered lots of negative people, but I survived in my relationships with them. Deep inside I despised their actions especially the way they handled their lives. Love your enemy.

  4. Having negative people around your circle is quite a challenge. These advices are really great. I for one have experienced being with these kind of people back in my college years and man, it's hard.

  5. Negative people can really influence us badly so either staying away from them or sticking with your own principles should help in dealing with them.

  6. I don't want to argue with negative people as this is endless and can be frustrating so I just avoid them.

  7. The best thing to do is to just avoid them. Don't waste time and energy on people like them who are not worth your time.

  8. Negative thoughts can be a very dangerous to that goal and I agree with avoiding negative people

  9. I think that there will always be negative people in our lives. I just try to listen to them and give my view, which is usually an optimistic outlook. If they take the advice then good. If not, then at least I took the time to hear them out and understand where they're coming from. But I try to not let them affect me or my mood as much as possible.


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