It's Never Too Late To Start Over
Many work harder than the devil but the fruit of their tree of labour never gets ripe, after being over consistence they fall back, with regrets, hanger, excessive hatred for any creature that breathes just because life proves to be unfair to them.
I did i little observation, i came across one the major reason why we don't succeed in a particular things like others do. Chasing the wrong dream, walking on the wrong path.
I once had a dreams of becoming a medical doctor, i chased the dream with an almighty force but things changes, my friends see it as optical because they had confidence that its mine, it wasn't, just because i chose being a doctor for a reason but not for the love or passion i had, i chose that for a selfish gain.
I didn't gave up on me though , when i did the math, i understood the dream,so i switched lane to the path that i love, that's where i belong.
Thousands are vitim of this, they all graduate from what they never intended to study, simply because they took things they way the saw it.
They applied for a course they loved but ended up graduates of unrelated course, while others choose certain course because my friends is doing it, or if i am done I'm gonna be earning huge. Chasing the wrong dream on the right path.
The second reason is Chasing a dream that isn't turning into reality like forever . Such do exist, you know we have been told since day one that only losers give up, and that consistency determination backed up with hard work and hope to visualize it.
You can chase something, hold on to, wait patiently for it to be optimal but when its seems unpredicted you strike on another path but people think its improper taking such decision.
I preach passion,motivate and encourage people never to give up on their dreams, but recently i came in contact with someone who has been holding on with hope , his power packed with enthusiasm and passion to succeed but visualizing all he ever dreamt of seems like pouring water on a dock back.
He wants to become a famous music, according to him, he has been on this road to fame since 2004 and we're in 2014 now, 10 years. And the dream hasn't come through. So sad, he added that he hustle all his money into it, sometimes he feels like giving up or at least taking a break but the passion keeps accelerating on a high velocity.
I asked him if he has ever thoughts about rebirth, something like born again like Christians do, he replied No, i told him to do a thorough research to discover his potential, so he can work on making it realistic. Maybe music isn't for him, or he never meet his Jesus or a good Samaritan yet. For me, guess he wasted complete 10 years trading on the wrong path and also around the wrong people.
knowing that you have only one life to life and each single minute wasted is gone forever, like the infamous upcoming musician . You can redesign, reconstructed your whole life if you think the path you where, or are isn't the right one.
The problem you might be facing is getting started, to you its too late , like i always say'' Nothing on earth is impossible, you can do it if you think you can.
How you live a meaningless life, a life filled with regrets of mistakes done in the pass? You mights have betrayed your self for so long in the course of being an absolute dream chaser but you never come with an encounter with the holder of the Holy grail of life so to take a sip from it.
It's unimportant trying to retrace or know why and how exert damage done rather, taking a stand to embrace the right path and getting your life on the proper lane.
Starting over is not the same things as managing or recouple with failure, its a new beginning, it's a rebirth, the new version of the old you. Though it might change your skin because its a mindset.
It will seem like a dumb move at first but later on it will be a celebration of a new positive and a happy fulfilled you. Starting over is being opportune to live again.
Never look back, Forward ever. Love yourself, that's what that matters.
Photo credit: vonSchnauzer