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Why You Should Never Ever Give Up

7:04 PM Daniel's Chronicle 10 Comments

Why You Should Never Ever Give Up

At certain point life and all our hard works and investment seems unproductive. Making it to that pinnacle of success seems like the seas you crossed were all in vein. The land of fulfilment gets farther the closer you get, you still feel behind. When all the faith is hopeless and insufficient and the only option left is giving up . Are you in such situation or is life so unfair to such extend?  Today i tell you never to give up on your dreams. Time will heal everything. As the saying goes'' Winners Never Give Up. In order walk into the hall of fames and have a chapter in the history book you need to have in mind that nothing good comes easy and Rome  was not built in a day.  Like i said lately'' We need to be motivated timelessly'' to man up our courage .

Thomas Edison failed but he never gave up.  While in school Thomas was regarded as the least student due to his  inability  to shine like his class mate. His teacher told him that'' He was to stupid to learn anything ''. His unproductive head made him to lose two jobs. He never lets those disabilities hold him back.  He still went on, trying to prove    no one could ever thought of, he still failed this times 1000 times as an attempts to invent light bulb . Despite the multiple failed attempts he never accepted failure, when asked how it felt failing multiply  times he replied'' I didn't fail, the 1000 times were steps''. 

Marilyn Monroe; the sixth greatest female star of all time never woke up one to day to this award. She hits the stone hard and crossed of valley. She was sack after she failed to turn for  firming. Her first modelling job paid only 5 $ enough to make any body take the exist but she never did.  Before the fame as an actress and a sex figure encountered lot of obstruction, hits many obstacles even got sack by her first Hollywood studio, faced problems in her home, marriage and career she never gave up.  '' Just because you fail once doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything''.

Michael Jordan wasn't an exception. Today his the greatest basket baller of all time but this didn't just happen.Sea were crossed,ship sink and glasses were broken. Years later he said..'' I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career, I've lost almost 300 games. 29 times, I've been trust to take the wining shoots and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that's why i succeed. ''

Never hang down in your comfort zone find a way. Failure is never an end point but preparing and a test of your strength if you've have what it's takes. There is no dought that failure is a friend and that everyone encounter with failure is for a better reason. Sri Chinmoy said “Not to give up under any circumstances should be the motto of our life: we shall try again and again, and we are bound to succeed. There will be obstacles, but we have to defy them. So do not give up, do not give up! Continue, continue! The goal is ahead of you. If you do not give up, you are bound to reach your destined goal.“
''When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.''_Harriet Beecher Stowe.
Success and failure can make you loose concentration. All what you need is the right tool which is the wisdom  and power of unconditional surrender, Listen to you drum. Everything gets better with time, Never give up. Like Edison, Marilyn, Michael Jordan and other famous successful people today they faced the hard side of life, they never gave up.

Photo credit: Spitefully


  1. In times like these, I enjoy reading motivational posts to inspire me to go on and push through with my goals and plans.

  2. When times get rough, for sure, your article will help much for this kind of situation. looking back at times, when I was younger and dreaming for my life, I can say that I felt it now. It's not what i exactly dreamed of, but for sure, I am contented to what happened to me.

  3. A very good read on a nice Thursday morning. Failure is one if the best teachers in life.

  4. Failure is a part of success so we shouldn't give up when we fail but we should be motivated.

  5. I totally agree with your post! For me, unless you fail, you will never fully understand the joyous feeling of success. :)

  6. I've been in those situations before when I felt like the world was against me and that all hope is lost. But I just decided to take it one day at a time. Praying helped me too.

  7. You're right. Thank you for your thoughts. Oftentimes I tend to quit when I just started because I don't see it paying off. Continuing is even more difficult, but it certainly pays off in the future

  8. So true, Failure is when you grow up. It's part of our daily lives. And the best part is you a million times to get up and do it right

  9. Failures is part of life cycle. We learn from our mistakes and make it as a motivation to reach your goal in life. Success is define when you overcome trials along your way. Never give up and dream high.

  10. This article is a great reminder for everyone to keep on believing themselves. Failure doesn't mean that you can't do it. Maybe, you just have to try harder and do better, the next time.


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