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3O Things To Get Rid Off To Simplify Your Life

 3O Things To Get Rid Off To Simplify Your Life
Life according to millions of people based on their experience defines it as unfair and hard,  a whore  with stone minds. All this makes multitude to jump into concluded that life can't never be simplified. Am one those guys ...... who likes to embrace that two headed sword and smiling while i scream like war drums'. Nothing is impossible!!. Life can be fun despite the increased in the rate of uncertainty. There is the micro chip of fear planted in minds of some set of people that further mathematics is totally insane. That fears  grows. Everything is simply but at first it will seems like Nigerian Pastors coming together to war the world terrorist. How impossible but it's very possible?. Think about it, lets talk about 3 things sad but true things to get rid off now.

Things To Get Rid Of To Simplify Your Life.

Fear. fear is unpleasant, unhealthy an imaginable thoughts that breaks minds like earthquakes, produce frights in all path. Terrorizing an individual. A man who permits the holocaust to possess him is bound to have a stagnated growth and complicated life. According to March 4, 1993  FDR ''The only thing we have to fear it's self- nameless, unreasonable, unjustified. Terror which paralyse needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.''The fears of failing, losing of the unknown causes shattering scaring screaming effect in individual who welcome it. One of the concrete and best foundation of living a simplified, successful life is overcoming fear at all cost.
'' Fear is a tyrant and a deposit, more terrible than rack, more potent the the snake''---Edger Wallace-

  • Overcoming Fear. To get rid of that double headed thought that trigger the feeling of insecurity. Fear  has the capability of sending in troops of confusion while your building your tower of babel. In order to neutralize the power of fear you first have knowledge it, i mean identified that fear factor. Git it a name ''F''.  As yourself. What makes this ''F'' to become part of my life. What benefit is  this '' F'' doing tome?.  What damage has it done to my life. How can i replace this with other happy feelings?.. Make that change now.[see.33 Ways To Overcome Fear]

Addictions. Is a condition where someone indulges in act that is draining your inner peace, that shift the decent balance through acts that's killing you and you can't conquer. Addictions is common this days as nearly everyone is either addicted to one thing or the other.   It takes  just more courage and determination to cast out that devil in a new dress in alcohol,drugs, nicotine,gambling,internet, smartphone.

  • Overcoming Addictions. Is one of the hardest experience ever. It's like battling five lion with cane. Addiction  is a behaviour, a lifestyle. Environmental, social and individual factors can can get someone to get into addictions. I believe nothing is too big or hard to overcome when determinations employed and when our  thoughts is changed [see. Overcoming Addiction]

Anger,  according to the Wikipedia is an emotional response related to one's physical interpretation of having been threaten when one's basic boundaries are violated. Anger can control anybody whose ability to remote it hasn't been established. Anger is normal, everyone gets react when they're pissed off.
  • Overcoming Anger. Do you wish to be a smiler when you a colleague scream at you with noisy voice like his battling terrorist in Gaza?.  Getting rid of habitual anger can simplify one's life. Anger can be gotten under control when you fellow this...[Anger management techniques.]
Think before you speak.Only express your anger when you're calm.Recognise your anger, know what trigger this most , breath slowly and calm your mind, Talk about it when possible close friend. Like i said above that we can over anything when our thinking is changed.

Fear, addiction and anger, this trio can be made things of the past. But someone who hasn't been a victim have no glue of how hard it's to get over them. Life it's self was meant to be  lived with dominion over nearly everything.  Living is more than having material things but you still find it hard to get rid of those mountain of  strinaĺg that are attached to your backpack.

Now the ball is your court what's your thoughts above this 30 Things To Get Rid Off To Simplify Your Life?.

Ways to Stop Smoking to Improve Personal Life

Ways to Stop Smoking to Improve Personal Life
Lately a close associate made decisions of dropping the lighter. His been smoking for years and he wants  self improvement. Quitting was never easy for him. After a week without cigarette he still ended up breaking it. Quitting smoking is never an easy turn but worth trying due to the health hazard. Several benefits are attached. The WHO recently warned that Smokers tend to die younger.
Smoking is responsible for several disease like lung cancer, Scientist says cigarette contains over 4,000 compounds and  most of the compounds are toxic. Nicotine--is not carcinogenic though but addictive. Nicotines makes it's addictive and complicated to stop.
Another benefits of quitting smoking is to protect those around you from danger. Research suggest'' People around smokers are at high risk. Second hand smoking contain approximately the same amount of substance inhaled. Which in time gives rise to cardiovascular disease, hypertension and a host of other diseases.

Why do people start smoking? Some people start smoking because they think it is something cool and their friends are impressed. They believe it makes them look mature. Unfortunately, many people start smoking early in life. Many people unfortunately end up with bronchitis, breathing problems, cancer, lung disease and so on. As teenagers, we thought it was the cool thing to do, since all of our friends were doing it. We may have picked up the habit watching parents or grandparents smoke.

The benefits of stopping smoking:

Just think if you quite smoking you won’t have to worry about the smell in your house, in your car or on your clothes. You won’t have those nasty ash trays to empty or wash out. You won’t have to smell nothing but the air you breathe. If you quite now you will start to get back your self. You will be able to walk across the floor or be able to breathe without using oxygen to help you there are a lot of reason to quite I wish you the best.

Some believes that smoking will make you gain weight as you start to age. To improve personal life you must take measures to protect your overall health, which includes maintaining weight, stop smoking and so on. The steps you take will lead you to a healthier future and a successful conclusion.

If you are finding it difficult to beat the habit, we encourage you to learn about the drugs inside cigarettes. If it isn't enough to scare you into stopping now, then consider your future, living on life-support or oxygen tanks.

How to stop smoking:

When you want to stop smoking, there is help. You just have to want to stop. You have go to want to stop before anyone or anybody can help you. You can go to your family doctor and he/she will give you something to help you to stop. On the other hand, maybe you want to do it on your own. Everyone has there own idea for trying to quite smoking. Some think hard candy will help, while others think that chewing gum will help, then some think chewing on something will help. You have to figure out what you want to try to go from there. We all have different idea. Prayer is the ultimate answer. When you pray to improve your life, God will answer your prayers.

1. Make a Quitting Plan

2.Seek Support

3.Use a Quitting Aid

4.See Yourself as a Changed , Different Person.

 5. Avoid situations that will trigger the desire.

Photo credit: mariateresa toledo

10 Bad Habits You Should Break to Improve Your Personal Life

 Our habits can stand for us, speak and show the kind of individual we are, it has the tendency to cause misfortune and also attract better things to us if it's  conscience free. Karma has it that we reap what we sow, bad habit cannot cultivate good fruits. Habit,  yea it sucks, we all posses them.
Bad habit are negative behaviour lifestyle and they worth doing away to improve our lives.
bad habits
Image: crowley1333

Below are some bad habit you part away from to improve your personal life.

 #1. Smoking: Anytime my eye comes in contact with a cigarette packet, a warning is written on them'' The world health warms that smokers are liable to die  young'' and it so funny that after reading it a responsible somebody will still go on and smoke a stick and even a whole pack. Smoking has bad side effect on practitioners, according to quitsmokingsupport smoking kills and are one the act that  gives rise to diseases like cancer,cardiovascular disease, respiratory system.

#2.Gossiping: This a trend this days, it's all over the social media, people do this as a part time joy, distributing rumors all over like flyers, talking about other people, friends and family, it's  middling, it has huge negative impact on those that do it.

#3.Not Letting the little light of yours shine:  Negativity are setbacks and dams to living a well fulfilled positive life, we hinder and limit ourself more than normal. There is a purpose of life, to live out loud, the let our good attitude reflects but the dark cloud tend to throw thunder storms, and we too don't take a stand against them but sit reluctantly expecting things to change himself which is impossible.

#4.Not Letting go: Letting is an opportunity to eliminate unwanted things and people in your life not giving up, stop holding things that brings you no happiness, people that don't add value to your life.

#5. Lie, Not Taking responsibility for your action:  The worst you can do is do something and not man enough to admit that you did it.Anytime you run away from  your responsibilities you deny yourself. And any  moment you tell a lie you post a fake image of yourself.

#6.Managing unhealthy and abusive relationship: Any relationship that you're limited from having access to true happiness avoid them, abusive relationship involves verbal or physical communicated that leave you with pains. Never manage while you're dying.

#7.Stop letting people make decisions for you and controlling you. You own your life, when you'll lose you lost it all alone, what you'll become is a decision you make not someone else's .

#8.Overspending.  Are the type that buy anything ,even the once you don't want?. Recall Rihanna almost went bankrupt because of overspending. Cut down unimportant budgets. see.(Is your future secured?.)

#9.Running from your problems. When you faced a particle problem squarely it flees but when you act the fool by running away it pursues you because you gave him right to. You own is yours truly,fear can't take them  away. Instead look for a way to solve them.

#10. Living in the past, not letting go and trying to be perfect: Life a momentary thing it moves forward not backward. You have might have burnt bridges you crossed way back and they all bygone, it has nothing on you ,picture the future and great opportunity it holds. Let go the quilt, you'll never gonna be perfect so, stop trying to be.

Breaking Free From Pornography Addiction

Breaking Free From Pornography Addiction
The whole universe is filled with numerous addictions. The case of p*rn is worst and its one of the mostly complicated to quit. We come across them in our everyday lives unless you are not expose the certain medium like adverts,movies,music, web pages and even the social networking site.

More people are being introduced into it every single second. At first its fun but deadly, it's harmful and toxic to the mind,body and its makes our spirit impure.
Too Much of it can cause negative thoughts,self hatred,shame,depression,anger and less of self esteem, guilt deep inside. People who indulge in the habit are secretive.

I saw some crazy and mind blowing facts about pornography i was overwhelmed with surprises. Can you imagine how real this facts are?,they are true and accurate.

Below are facts about p*rn*graphy.

  • Every Second nearly 30,000 persons view p*rn* sites.
  • Every Minute Internet users send more send more than 1.7 million porno e-mails.
  • Every hour nearly two hardcore p*rn* videos are released in the united States.Every day an average of more than two million p*rn* movies in the United States.
  • Every month nearly nine out of ten young men and three out of ten you women view p*rno in the United States.

And lastly Every year the global p*rn industry makes an estimated $100 billion in U.S
After reading this i was like what!!!, it's seems like every one is a fan of p*rn*. Ha ha,you are surprise right?.

How to break free from this devilish addition? Nothing on earth is impossible, so make use of the tips below.

1. Be ready.

Anything you want to put to an end you can only if are prepared to get over it. Be ready to fight this addiction,it's now or never.

2. Distract Yourself.

Most of the addict are indoor people, they spend most their doing nothing than viewing images of naked woman on the net. Distract yourself ,get out of your comfort zone. Use software that will block you from visiting those sites. Limit Internet access. If news is what you want to read let it be news alone.

3.Think positive.

Porno addiction bored the mind,as i said it can cause negative thoughts. There is power in words,say no, tell yourself 'i will not view that site today. And work hard to achieve it. Think of the side effects then picture how it will feel like being free.

4. Use your imagination.

The brain is a sexually in nature it control all the s*x and addiction hormone. Develop positivity rather than spending time imagining watching porn when you feel horny
Think about why you are quitting, know it's for the better.
Never think you can't overcome this,you started it and you can end it.

5. Invite God.

You can't do without God, his all and all, the only one that can set you free is God. Pray for help.

Many of us are addicted to this but am not going to ask if you are or not, the questions is What do you think about p*rn*graphy addiction, is it harmless or toxic?, is there any better way to overcome it?