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Be Purpose Driven: 5 Things Purpose Driven People do Differently

7:02 PM Daniel's Chronicle 18 Comments

What is the purpose of life? What's mine all about?. Those are few of numerous questions that babbles in our heads. Many of us are not happy  where we are or what we do just because we never wanted that but we were given or we chosed it because our friends did. It affects your life in a long run, at your place of work if purpose didn't drives you the joy of being there won't overtake you.

Buddha says '' Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it". A lot of  people are not happy where they are. Put their whole hearth and soul to it seems suffocating. I think  they weren't purpose driven and tactic while choosing career. Being purposed driven--- know the mission- the task that fulfil a purpose- Live it a vision-be positive in thoughts and focus on achieving all that.

 5 Things Purpose Driven People do Differently

1.Live With A Vision: Living with perception is one vital tool great and successful  people make use of . I read stories of many great men and how they went through many vision killer circumstances but they still kept  it alive. They all came to conscious understanding of certain things. Using the power of desire they all become a success and made history. I can recollect years ago my life cycled around the TV and my vision was blurred. The kind of person I'll become in 5 years  time i couldn't visualized. 3 years later i came to knowledge that there's a world out there the brighter than the fantasies i see on the TV screen. And also that you never be great when the basics and aspiration is lacked. One must find his own purpose for life.

2.Determination and Focus: A purposeful driven individual makes up their mind to be focus and pay no attention to fantasies,pleasure that are dis-tractive.. These days Smartphone and the internet can be one of those. They have a negative spirit. I challenge you to identify your weakness, do away with your time killer. and then put your camera at whatever is your purpose.

Determination changes your view,--- an active force that keeps you motivated. Strengthen your will power and restructure your desire. Energies that purposefulness in you and make you embrace chance and embarrassment.

4.Dream Little: We are constantly informed that dreams comes through and that impossibility is a mere word accepted by mediocre who don't think outside the box. Making many to shoot for the stars hastily and aim at nothing.I believe that success is a deck, steps takes you there. Like the popular adage'' Rome was not built in a day'' Every purpose after realization materialize gradually. Dream little and grow bigger in no time.

5.Follow Your Bliss and find Happiness. Most people claim to learn to love something with times while others fell even before they understood better. Whatever which is not your bliss can never be, it will be impossible to find joy being a nurse when you never liked sick people. But you decided to chose the career because your friend Alicia did. Happiness lies in doing what you love.

5.Sacrifice for that Purpose: Sacrifice is the price you pay to fulfil a purpose. Nothing parachute itself in to space. Someone must have made it happened. ''Dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Hard work is the price we must pay for success. I think you can accomplish anything if you're willing to pay the price.''-- Vince Lombardi

Lastly, put your whole soul to it. A passionate nurse put her soul to the profession. She sacrifice her life into it like in the recent Ebola cases. She find great joy because her purpose for life has been found. Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart.-- Jalal ad-Din Rumi

Over to You

As for me my purposed for life seems many right now. I see myself and this blog changing lives, bringing joy to people and re-framing the mindset of people all around the world that Happiness can be attained. And also see myself one day being there for others and whole a lot of things no one has ever dreamt off, i guess i have to be specific, but does it really matters?.

Now I'll like you to ponder over these questions. What is your mission on earth?, What's is your purpose for life, have your find it yet or still searching?. For those of you that are presently living it how does it feel doing what makes you always wanted, what you love and are you actually putting your whole soul to it?. 


  1. I like the first 1 on this list, "Live with a Vision".
    I always believe that if we live our life with a vision/purpose it will make life worth living :)

  2. These are such helpful tips! It makes you feel and believe that - you have an important mission to accomplish everyday.

  3. Awesome tips! Made me stop and wonder what my purpose in life is.
    When we're troubled and confused, all we need to do is re-group our thoughts and go back to the basic.... knowing what your purpose is.

  4. Thank you for sharing this one. Those are helpful tips especially the first one.

  5. I totally agree with all of your points. One thing I would change is "Dream a little". Because I believe in dreaming BIG! So for me it would be "Dream a lot". :)

  6. I just want to add on Sacrifice. Most of us think giving to the needy is considered sacrifice. That's Charity. True sacrifice is when you are willing to give all, your time, your money, your self, with disregard for what will be left for you or what is beneficial. That's full surrender with the trust that you will be OK.

  7. When I was in my early twenties, my purpose in life wasn't really clear to me yet. It took some time but I finally found it. :) It really gives a person a direction.

  8. Focus, Determination and Vision have it all but another thing is to let have his way and show us the direction cus i see that when God intervene is someone's life, it will be as if such person performs money ritual...i like this. Thanks

  9. Let the vision remain, but one must also work to achieving it or it becomes a dream

  10. Might be tough to follow always, but these are really good points

  11. very true,I've always emphasized these,but I dont know if it should be "dream Little"..Personally I dont think we need little dreams...we need dreams that'll scare us and propel us to work..thanks for sharing

  12. Hello Daniel,
    What an interesting and insightful article, this article is worth every bit on the time which I spent reading it.

    Being purpose driven is one express way to success, living with a vision is one symptom of a purpose driven person. I remember those days in high school, I had a class mate which when we were in class 3 (JSS3) didn't still know if he should fit in to science or art, such a person doesn't have a life, lol, and is an example of unpurpose driven people.

    This your article is sure one of those articles every person should read.

    Thanks for sharing, and do have a wonderful week ahead

  13. This really hit home for me, your words are so true. We often go through life existing but not living, time for me to set out some life goals.. Thanks, this is life changing

  14. once in a while, this thought has crossed my mind. Each time, it gets a different answer. That's why I can't give you one either..

  15. Very interesting about #4 Dream Little. We always say "Dream Big"! However, you are right in saying that we should also may realistic plans so that we can achieve smaller dreams, all working towards that bigger dream.

  16. I love your piece. And I sadly agree with that point that you need to sacrifice some things/time to achieve a greater goal...but it's true! I'm happily following my dreams and doing everything to make them true!

  17. Thank you so much for this! Its always nice to be reminded all the time. And you are so true about what you said.

  18. Well for me, my main purpose in life is to raise my kids to a better person than me :)


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