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5 Reason Why You Will Never Be Richer

The world economy is risky and only those with clear understanding, those that are financially wise can start firm on that pinnacle. Mismanagement can make money runaway. Being financially wise is far beyond having the necessary skills to acquire wealth but being able to think and act like rich people. Planting the money tree on a fertile soil  and fertilizing it to grow figures.

 There are thousands of reasons why our society is full of poor people, poor mentality and lack of understanding of the path money goes. I had a conversation with someone one on my way home from a friends home, he was complaining that anything he plants don't grow even when they do, the tree withers hastily   why because you did some or all of the reasons below:

1. You Spend Too Much:  Luxury and flashy lifestyle, huge unnecessary spending, and over spending can't guarantee the chances of growing richer. Someone who earns $1OO a month is not advisable to purchase things that worth over a thousand dollar. Because his busy digging his grave of failure. Spending too much on things that are of no importance  is critical.
 ''A person who spend more than he earn is a fool''_Visvesvaraya.
2. You Sow Too Little:  We spend money to make money, whatever you plants grows, you sow big you reap big. The amount you  invest on something will guarantee the amount you'll earn in return. The rich take chances and change. Recognize that Changes is the permanent thing on earth, taking chances by sowing big can change your entire financial status from low to higher. Little things are less value.
''He who would accomplish little must sacrifice little; he who would achieve much must sacrifice much; he who would attain higher must sacrifice greatly'' _James Allen.
3.You  Owe Too Much Debt: Debt brings worries and shame, the more you owe the greater you borden and the more frustrated your thoughts drives you insane. Any money you earn will be directed to those you borrowed from. You took 45k from a lender, 100k from another and 40k from a friend while your monthly earning is 100k. How can you ever get rich when debt is not equivalent with want you earn. You'll end up paying and owing more.

4.You Don't Invest: You don't place capital in expectation of deriving profit. All you do spend in necessarily and still it to grow. Money don't grow on three, the don't multiply dramatically. They say ''The easiest way to rich is put all your money in a basket and watch the basket.''. That's words told to fool to keep them from getting money wise. Investment is the only surefire to grow money. It impossible to get rich when you don't invest the little you have but spend it. ''

5. You Buy Every New Thing: This days the trend is acquiring new new,  anything that is trending is catchy to the eye and wanted by all. Except those who are neutral to trends. There people who likes living big when they aren't rich yet. They work hard play harder with little earning with or no saving at all. You buy the latest Android, Windows.... phone. You buy every playstation.......Everything even those you don't need then you expect to be rich.
'' If you buy what you don't need, you'll need what you cannot buy_ Visvesvaraya.

The more you gamble your little money one stuffs just to impress someone of show up. You'll end up with nothing.

Photo credit: 401(K) 2013

10 Things I Thought Money Could Buy

The way money influence people this days can makes anyone a believer that it's capable of buying nearly everything. It even quoted that.Money answers all things. Leaving those without it with a total different kind of feeling.  All around the net there are thousands of articles in regards to what money can never buy .Most of them are mainly written and read buy poor while they rich laugh at. At age 9 i can recollect asking my mom several times why people say  money can never buy the best things in life. She replied'' One day you won't be blind to it.

Life is such a mi-story, the more you seek the truth the more questions you find. OK. i get it, if money can't buy all the things i will be listing below then why do people die just get rich?.Are they blind to it? Hey i think it what the rich tell the poor to keep them from aim higher and calm.

Things They Told me Money Cannot Buy 

Happiness:  They way this people paint  pictures , colourful smiley pictures can convince you to believe that money can buy you happiness. Celebrities and wealthy people can paint a picture, . I believe happiness is when what you think, say and do is in harmony said Gandhi. Picture that, What are they saying? I should hate money, i don't know. Is a poor man happy?. ''You can never understand how it feels to be poor until you be one''. Money can buy happiness, temporary but not genuine one.

People misunderstand the connections between happiness and money. Money can buy dreams and that fulfilment can trigger the mind to be happiness or can advance, improve ones lifestyle. Anything you're good at contribute to happiness.
Above all, i still believe that money can't buy happiness, it maybe bring it. But what's the essence of having  something that won't last.

Manners: Money has a force which is capable of shifting things, all around the world human  made with differs characters.  Don't be deceive money can buy manners. The kind matters which is the reason why many believe it can't.  They way rich people behaves is called what?, common it's manner whether it's bad or good.
My dictionary defines manner as, a way of performing,effecting anything;method, style,fashion.... Whatever. Haven't you seen someone who was calm but when (s)he got rich they changed dramatically?.

Things I Thought Money Can Buy.

 Moral:  Money may answers all things but there certain things it can never buy, morals conforming to a standard of right behaviour which is impossible for money to purchase.  Moral is been lost  this days, nearly everyone who is exposed to certain reality of life is been victimize by rectitude which is  impossible to get it buy with cash.

Health. No matter how much you bank, it doesn't guarantee you a good health condition.  Health is wealthy. Being poor and healthy is better than owning million and lack a better health condition.

Knowledge /Experience: You might earn a degree or be a first class graduates but lack knowledge of things. ''You can pay for school but you can't buy class''. There is a huge cap between i saw and i experienced it . Having the  knowledge of how it feels to be death isn't the same with experiencing it. No amount of money can buy that.Have seen a lot of people who are graduates of high school shining brighter than a college with degree in the same field.

Love: Loves is blind , it complicated to define  this days. Money is the main attraction. Riches attracts lovers. They rich have lots of buddies. But true love can never be bought, it something that comes from within and grows there. Not words and temporary actions. Money can't buy love but fakes love and pretenders. People will love and supports you if it will be beneficial but when the sky falls(money goes). The ones who bleed red(who loved you) can turn out to be the worst experience ever.

Respect:  The respected one in the society are not usually the wealthy and leaders, in fact people don't respect presidents and politicians. Respect can only be earn through a well mannered positive attitude and lifestyle via they pattern you comfort and respect your self and others. Not necessary from the rank Forbes.

Inner Peace: What is life with millions of strings attached to you and the inner you a nightmare.  Life is empty when peace of mind is not earn. Inner peace is earn when  our thoughts is in a positive balance. Money makes someone bored deep inside, even when you're in the future you'll still feels behind, this triggers you to earn more, save it and at last die for it.

Intelligence: No matter how much you have, a dummies is always a dummies even when you install books in his head. But the smart once will almost make A's no matters how poor their background is. You can buy a perfect certificate and it don't change a thing.
Family: To me family is everything, nothing else can replace that. Not Money. Family is what made us unique and who we're. No matters what, they are special, golden.

Ticket To Heaven:  One of the most important things someone could have is heavens and it so unfortunate that we die to get money instead of heaven.  The  airport is still a mystery.

Additional Things I Found Out Money Can't Buy Me.

I used to think and still wonder if money can buy me all i ever wanted, trully money can't happiness,sleep, personal contentment............ It over to you.

Photo credit: Tax Credits / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

Why Is Everyone Chasing Money?

Why Is Everyone Chasing Money?

 Walking across the street everyone is busy doing variety of thing, something comes into my head, i frequently question myself what the whole inhabitant of the world is chasing. Many says the are after achieving or fulfilling their destiny, what is this almighty destiny, is it a golden salvation of the soul?. No, it's simply somewhat material things that we all after, a better life.

Different people view a better life based on religious and cultural point but the true meaning we're kinda blind to it unless you seek to discover the hidden truth, which is the focus of all human.

A child grows up with one thing on his pretty innocent heart, to be a lived hero, wealthy and change his immediate world. People do anything humanly possible to excel, student work not for passion or to learn to know it but all are preparation for the what we all call the future.
Human are naturally materialistic, we want all, life to us  is all about the money, due to religious settings and believes everyone seems  to hide it, pretend as we are immaterial but the truth the say can't hide itself because rocks do crack and its butt exposed.

People no longer do things because of the passion of pleasure derived , the outcome is what matters most and if it won't have a cash full end then its abandoned.

At my younger age i was told times without number  that life is not all about the money, that being contented and happy is living life to it fullest. But i grew up to witness totally a different scene on the flat screen that not having money can be the root of all evil. Biblical the love for it is.

If you don't love something you hates it and if you do hate you distance yourself from it and anything related to it. The facts is......we all chasing money but they say it don't make you rich and i wonder if the world billionaires aren't rich, maybe they are broke.

Money ,the answer to all things can be devilish when you focus on getting it Asap ,through any means, its don't grow on trees  so in order you to be  plugged to the power source bills needs to be paid in form of sacrifice. You work hard  and watch it multiply gradually or you get it fast or die trying,

Why is everyone chasing money? that's the question here, the same way success mean a whole lot of things to different people, same the reason why people chase mula differs.
Money can do a couple of unimagined things, it mighty powerful,it controls rulers and disintegrate the strongest, it turns people into freaks. It can buy dreams, changes you and also makes you rich.

There is this concept about it, that can buy the best things in life but i can make them worthwhile.And it doesn't change you, i think if you haven't gotten enough, too much might kill you which i ask is Bill Gate still the same as he was when i started Programming?. Just saying, the change they mean is not the physical one , you know there is a fine line between having abundance and you still feel bored and being happy with little you have. Money don't buy happiness is just a microchip planted on the mind of the poor, the only thing it can't buy is inner peace.

There is one other thing that still make me wanna murder, with all this concepts about how money sucks peoples life, how it makes people empty, how it can't buy one has stop chasing it, the more the concept the greater the chase.

Over To You.

Why Is Everyone Chasing Money?.

Easiest Way To Get Rich Quickly In Nigeria

Wealth is an ego fuel, it boost your mindset and gives you a different kind of feeling, every needs a life that everything is possible. The luxury and fast life but they sit at home lazily waiting for opportunity to knock when they have the potentials at their fingertip. If you haven't been making cash and you're a Nigerian don't blame wishes and wizards for this.

You're probably scared of getting rich. I believe that getting rich is a choice. Being ready and taking the necessary step into the already defined path is what you're lacking.

Below are 5 things you can do as a Nigerian to get richer,easily in just a blink of an eye.

1. Join Politic:

Politicians are one of the hooded richest people in Nigeria, in case you haven't realized this and you were thinking of enrolling in pity business or company. Politics can turn tables. If a political office is been given to you, i promise within 3 months you're living that life, bigger than life.

Became a lawmaker..They dream of a thousand mile begins with a step. Nigeria Senates are the highest paid in the world.
According to reports they are truly living large, check out the analytics i got Online.

Basic Salary (BS) = N2,484,245.50
Hardship Allowance: 50% of Basic Salary = N1,242,122.75
Constituency allowance: 200% of BS = N4,968,509.00
Furniture Allowance: 300% of BS =N7,452,736.50
Newspaper allowance: 50% =N1,242,122.70
Wardrobe allowance: 25% =N621,061.37
Recess Allowance: 10% =N248,424.55
Accommodation: 200% =N4,968,509.00
Utilities: 30% = N828,081.83
Domestic Staff: 35% = N863,184.12
Entertainment: 30% = N828,081.83
Personal Assistance: 25% =N621,061.37
Vehicle Maintenance Allowance: 75% = N1,863,184.12
Leave Allowance : 10% = N248,424.55
One off payments (Severance gratuity): 300% = N7,452,736.50
Motor Vehicle Allowance: 400% of BS = N9,936,982.00
Total per month = N29, 479,749.00
A senator’s annual salary = over N182 million

All this could be yours in just a month your will getting this huge amount, now multiply it times 12. Keep the result and becomes a politician now!!!.

Open a Church:

Nigerians are religious people, they love anything religion as long a cross or a bible is been used and miracle is been practiced there. Nigerian pastors are living even larger than the Creator, they own private jets and a whole lot of toys.

There is no business like church business. Start a church, it doesn't matter where its located , it could be in your living room. Just have faith in 2years time you might be richer than Bill Gates.

3. Become a Terrorists:

Good things don't last, good people hardly get notice but the bad. One easy way to get rich is to change to a terrorist, kidnapper,  The government pay terrorist and give they amnesty. I heard they know pay cultist in some states. What an awesome and easy way to get free money...

4. Start a Nightclub, Bar:

The is no doubt that drinking parlours and nightclub attracts population even more than any other gathering you could ever imagined. People drink all night to forget their sorrows, club all night because life its self is a party. All night club owners live large , the business moves like water.

4. Hotel Business:

This particular one flourish in the southern part, every room is a guest house, people hardly sleeps at home.

Why You Are Not Rich Yet

Why you are not rich

Life without money is incomplete, its like a half bread but its not better. It easy to be single and hold on to it but being broke is a curse. Money is a gate pass, it speak volume, it open close doors, it buy dreams.

Have you ever wondered why you're not making any advancement financially? why your net-worth is getting low or why you are not making any cash at all?.

Well! getting rich is a matter of choice and being broke is a decision. Rich means different thing to different people but its the core, being rich doesn't always mean having money, It means being happy with the amount you have.

Why i am not rich?

90% 0f the poor ask this question why am not rich? , and the rich ask why am i not richer. Are you among this category of people?.

You're not ready to be rich, believe me, you can't until you're ready.

''The secret of getting ahead is getting started."

You're lazy, its impossible to be at the top when you're not talking a step higher.

''The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself.''

Get out of the poverty and desire, think and act like the rich.

You spent the little you have unnecessary on expensive things,women, phones, drink.

" I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck. '

The philosophy of the rich and the poor is this: the rich invest their money and spend what is
left. The poor spend their money and invest what is left.

All your friends are poor mentally,you can't succeed without a successor.
The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best.

There are many good seeds in you. Therefore you must avoid every bad soil in the world.” 

You don't want to work for anyone.

If you want to be rich, simply serve more people.”

You think that hard work is self slavery.

''Without hard work, nothing grows but weeds.''

You're  not trying something new , you keep cultivating the same  crop on the same land year after year.

''If you want to succeed you should strike out on new paths, rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success.''

You're waiting for God's time so you sit at home doing nothing, expecting manner to fall from heaven.

''Opportunity does not knock, it presents itself when you beat down the door.''

You've made up your mind to remain poor, you filled you mind with negative thoughts.

''The more man meditates upon good thoughts, the better will be his world and the world at large.''

You don't makes use of your talents, you want to be like someone else.

''I really believe that everyone has a talent, ability, or skill that he can mine to support himself and to succeed in life.''

You never believe in yourself, you're looking for who to blame and to seek help from.

''Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful.''

Up to You

Success is not a day job and being rich is a matter of choice as i said above. Things won't ever go the way you want it to go until  you're ready to make them move. A man is a product of his thoughts and his hand work. Desire to be rich and riches will attracts it self to you. No man on earth was born with money they were all born with nothing but they rewrite their story and made history. Life is too short, get rich now or never.

3 Reasons Why Young Girls are Date Older Men.

Age is nothing but just numbers attached to every being Love conquers all. One man's meal is another man's poison.They were times when relationship involved people of the same age but now a days its the opposite.

Young girls prefer the older men not the handsome young boys, you might be wondering what is happening. I have been picturing a lot of these for the past weeks so i decided to dig deep into it along the i discovered few reasons why Young Girls are Dating  Older Guys.
Its not new though but it seems that the population is increasing and it wont ever drop because the world is beginning to embrace it.
Photo credits:
  • Older guys shows how strong they are, they can protect well so younger girls feel saver in their arm. Strength is not necessary the physical one but the power to understand and stand for the girl, so younger girls prefer them to age grade boyfriend that might get lost in the crowd easily.

  • The second reason why ladies die for older guys is because of their strength and stability. When a girl know the man has money so they jump into just to take advantage of the opportunity. Since they are older younger girls think they are matured enough. Most of the guys are daddies so the know what a daughter(in love) needs and how to live up to it. One other reason is that older men are caring.

  • Older guys make them enjoy xxx. Admit or not but its the naked truth,i don't want to talk more on this reason the ladies knows what i mean.
Finally,younger girls sees dating older men as an opportunity to have more fun. Older men are well established and they have time for vocations.Have more money to spend.

Young man need to grow up  or else this older men will take away all our future wives away.
What do you think?

Why It's Better To Marry For Money

Marriage is a dream come true to every human, a mans biggest dream is to get rich and marry while a woman own is for her to marry a wealthy man someday. Recently I wrote about Reason Why People Get Married in the post i talked about marry for money in this article I'll be focusing more on why  girls should marry for money but it takes only smart girls to do this.

Marriage is a very big  investment like my friend Malachy will say Marriage is like a business venture what you invest in will determine what you'll get in return.

I don't see anything wrong with going on to marriage because of weath, many tradition even encourage it so It's not a new thing but many still think  that not proper that "Love is the key". Parents prefer a well-to -do son in law to a guy with no money. It brings good names and respect to the family . Wedding for love is a generally later marvel. For a long time, relational unions were organized issues, straightening families for investment or political purposes.
As the  old  saying says
"behind every successful man there's a woman" .
I grew up hearing elderly people quoting this I never knew the meaning but now I understand. If this great saying is viewed from the other way around it mean"  behind unsuccessful (poor) man there shouldn't be a woman " . 

All a 21st century girl needs is in the hands of the rich.  Love can't pay your bills but dreams money can buy. There are a lot of benefits marrying for money. Remember that love is something that can die with time, it's changeable the same way your wardrobe gets old and ugly. 

Even if love is a factor in s marriage I have to say that it is not the greatest thing to marry for! I have to say that even in today society people to not know real true love! .

You will get the Security you deserves :

One of the basic need of every girl is to have someone that can make them feel secured. Being  strong isn't all about having muscles like Arnold Schwarzenegger but being financially strong, like the say" money is power".

Your future is not at stake;

In the world that divorce rate is on the high no body can tell what tomorrow holds, anything is possible. We all know that nothing last forever if things eventually changes you won't be a loser.
You will have something left if you were the wise type. Unlike being with someone who  struggles to survive and when love dies you'll be left with nothing but regret.

Your Children will have a better life ;

That  say the best things in life are free and I have wondering what that thing is, I still don't know where to get them. How does it feel being born rich and being born into the world that life is not simply is the motto. Children are precious gift and they deserve the best things in life which are not priceless and they need someone who can  take care of their financial needs. I don't know if love can pay school fees and other bills.

The luxurious life is guaranteed it's all about how you take it as for me view it as a good idea so it's left for you to choose marrying for money or for love. Are you with me? let me know in the comments.