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5 Reason Why You Will Never Be Richer

10:00 AM Daniel's Chronicle 0 Comments

The world economy is risky and only those with clear understanding, those that are financially wise can start firm on that pinnacle. Mismanagement can make money runaway. Being financially wise is far beyond having the necessary skills to acquire wealth but being able to think and act like rich people. Planting the money tree on a fertile soil  and fertilizing it to grow figures.

 There are thousands of reasons why our society is full of poor people, poor mentality and lack of understanding of the path money goes. I had a conversation with someone one on my way home from a friends home, he was complaining that anything he plants don't grow even when they do, the tree withers hastily   why because you did some or all of the reasons below:

1. You Spend Too Much:  Luxury and flashy lifestyle, huge unnecessary spending, and over spending can't guarantee the chances of growing richer. Someone who earns $1OO a month is not advisable to purchase things that worth over a thousand dollar. Because his busy digging his grave of failure. Spending too much on things that are of no importance  is critical.
 ''A person who spend more than he earn is a fool''_Visvesvaraya.
2. You Sow Too Little:  We spend money to make money, whatever you plants grows, you sow big you reap big. The amount you  invest on something will guarantee the amount you'll earn in return. The rich take chances and change. Recognize that Changes is the permanent thing on earth, taking chances by sowing big can change your entire financial status from low to higher. Little things are less value.
''He who would accomplish little must sacrifice little; he who would achieve much must sacrifice much; he who would attain higher must sacrifice greatly'' _James Allen.
3.You  Owe Too Much Debt: Debt brings worries and shame, the more you owe the greater you borden and the more frustrated your thoughts drives you insane. Any money you earn will be directed to those you borrowed from. You took 45k from a lender, 100k from another and 40k from a friend while your monthly earning is 100k. How can you ever get rich when debt is not equivalent with want you earn. You'll end up paying and owing more.

4.You Don't Invest: You don't place capital in expectation of deriving profit. All you do spend in necessarily and still it to grow. Money don't grow on three, the don't multiply dramatically. They say ''The easiest way to rich is put all your money in a basket and watch the basket.''. That's words told to fool to keep them from getting money wise. Investment is the only surefire to grow money. It impossible to get rich when you don't invest the little you have but spend it. ''

5. You Buy Every New Thing: This days the trend is acquiring new new,  anything that is trending is catchy to the eye and wanted by all. Except those who are neutral to trends. There people who likes living big when they aren't rich yet. They work hard play harder with little earning with or no saving at all. You buy the latest Android, Windows.... phone. You buy every playstation.......Everything even those you don't need then you expect to be rich.
'' If you buy what you don't need, you'll need what you cannot buy_ Visvesvaraya.

The more you gamble your little money one stuffs just to impress someone of show up. You'll end up with nothing.

Photo credit: 401(K) 2013


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