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How to Become the Right Lady for the Right Man

9:41 PM Daniel's Chronicle 17 Comments

Love they say is reciprocal, ladies all around the world are looking for the right man, men too are not let behind we too need our Mrs Right to portray certain traits the same way ladies  need a well-to-do and a caring man. It's hard to find a totally good person since we are human, but there are some basic qualities a real woman should have in her.

Good Attitude/Respectful:
The way you carry your self is the way person will view you, you expect a man to address you with when your lack good etiquettes, no way, no human on earth like people who lack manners. Be virtue woman, respect yourself and others. Having a good attitude and maintaining it is vital in life as a young lady, it's tells people more and how sweet you are. It's attracts the right mister.

Neatness/Beauty :
Cleenliness is next to Godliness, a neat girl with a healthy lifestyle is gorgeous girls. You can be the right woman when you are beautiful and unique inside, not on the outside alone but her sweet heart makes her beautiful.

A lady who understand the language of Money Know how to use it. Money speak different dialet to different people, no man likes a girl that finishes #100,000 on something that is not needed but a girl that knows how to economise.
They say time is money you can be the right girl if you make out time out of your busy schedule for him.

Not Everyone's Girl:
You don't want a womanizer but you are like oliver twist, you want more, you are never competent with one man, every second you are either with A nor B, men hate a girl that pops it for everyone.

Everyone wants to be free and control their lives, men love women who don't depend on them for everything she needs but those who are independent.

A good friend is better than a bad brother, be your Mr Rights best friend, be open, don't just hang around like smoke but always be there.

Management is doing things right,I know 21st century girls don't like that word 'Manage ' they want their things to go their way, which is probably not good, a quote by Brian Tracy says 'Practice Golden-Rule 1 of Management in everything you do. Manage others the way you would like to be managed.' A wife must know how to manage her home, her husband and children, and also how to manage the family finance and her job.
Men need a woman who can take charge when he is not around, play the role of the father in the family when his not around or when his pocket is not fully loaded. A woman who supports him no matter what, she stands by him.

Love is sacrifices, when you love someone, you do everything possible just to see smile on their faces. The bible shows a good example John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whosoever believeth in Him
should not perish, but have eternal life." In 1 John 3:16 we find the corollary, "This is how we know what love is. That Christ laid down His life for us, and we in our
turn must lay down our lives for each other." Sacrifice in marriages is the best way to prove your love.
Understanding the importance of sacrifice in marriage is significant.
Marriage, when it is healthy, will include its share of sacrificing for each other. Two people cannot come together in one home, love, communicate, and care for each other without occasionally suffering for each other.

Building a better marriage life requires a lot of work, being a right woman for the right man is not a day job, it's involves more and continuous practice, you don't have to have all the qualities, but it's advisable to. A woman with this basics is a woman of virtue.
If there is any I miss writing about please don't hesitate to add it in the comments. Thanks.
Photo credit: Helga Weber / Foter / CC BY-ND


  1. This is great buh I would love you to watch ur punctuations, dot ur i's and cross your t's. Also proof-read b4 pasting. A write up dt s adequately punctuated mks reading easier. All d bst bro

  2. @Anonymous thanks for the piece of advice. I'll work on that.

  3. I think the best advice for a woman looking for "Mr. Right" is to realize that if you're not content on your own, you're not going to be happy in a relationship! You need to find your identity before finding Mr. Right, or you'll be left expecting him to fulfill all your deepest needs and desires...and only God can do that!

    1. Yea his the head of the family so they expect him to do everything.

  4. Many don't realize that they have to like themselves and be themselves before anyone else will like them.

  5. Thank goodness I'm passed that stage in my life. It's always good to find the right one and not to settle for second best!!

  6. I am glad to be past that stage. But I do think that successful relationships are definitely about loving yourself first.

  7. I disagree Daniel! I think you need to be yourself. Don't try to change anything - old habits die hard, so when you find Mr. Right, they will accept you for you. Be true!

    1. Everyone is emphasizing on being herself. You're a woman I don't know how you deal, why do women look for some kinda qualities in a man of their dreams?.

  8. Sorry, I just don't agree. There is no list of how a women can become the "right lady". Being herself is all it takes.

    1. I knew that women won't agree with me. OK let's say the girl has bad manners will bring out those manners make her to be herself?

  9. These are some great tips. I think the fact that my husband and I were such good friends before we got married really helps with our relationship :)

  10. I am just proud to be myself and found the right one to love me just like I am.


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