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6 Type Of Girls You Should Never Date

11:44 AM Daniel's Chronicle 2 Comments

They are usually gorgeous, their feet is clean no dirt, some of them are hard to resist but they are like green snake  in green grass.

1. Your Neighbor : This might sound heart breaking maybe you might been have admiring a certain girl in the neighborhood. It will be cool and fun at first but there's a lot to consider before going down that road. Think about what t will happen if you break up, you'll still be together and it will also jeopardize your chances with other girls in the neighborhood.(see Nothing Last Forever )

2.The No Money No Love Type : These are the high maintenance type, guys are scare of taking  so much responsibility than they can. She's so expensive to manage, she do everything possible to satisfy her love for expensive things. (See No Money No Love )

3.The Gold Digger: She'll compliment your gesture and every material things you've got, she'll like to know what kinda car you drive and other expensive things you own, all she's thinking is what she'll get as soon as her plan is accomplish she's gone. Like the high maintenance type , a Gold Digger is basically looking for  sugar daddies, she loves shopping and showing up.(See Love Doesn't Cost a Thing )

4.The ex-obsessed type: These are the type of girls that still find it hard to leave the past behind them, they can't get over their ex's they compare you to their ex's. They complain so much that it can get any happy man unhappy, red card is the only option left .

5.The gossips girls type : This category of girls are like hell, they add 1 to your 99 problem. They are always breaking news about people. She never shuts up, barely stopping to breathe.
(see: Is Disclosing Relationships Problem Proper? )

6.The baby mama type : She's pretty and hot but her brain is nut, she makes you play a daddy to another man's children. She has 5 children for 5 different guys. These kinda girl are the only in the world that thinks polyandry is a good practice.

7.The Club Girl type : This breed of girls come alive in the night time and sleep all day, they love partying more than anything else, She dips and sip, her dress code is usually seductive, she prefer hanging around with girl that are just like her and horny man every night. She's pretty and hot, it hard for the eye to resist but not good to date.

I know you're probably not smiling if you are a girl and you're reading this article in my future article I'll be writing on the kinda guys you shouldn't date or marry.
Your comments  is welcome so don't forget to write your thoughts


  1. You captured them all. No. 1 is very dangerous.

  2. Cool but we will still make mistakes and love the wrong one, human being are stupid.


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