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Be Smart: Stop Following Your Heart

" Smart listens to the head. Stupid listens to the heart "

The connectivity between the heart and the head, when it comes to taking certain actions, we thought about it  times without number before we implementing it.
Sometime get we deceived, multiply thoughts got us lost, day dreaming visualising it wishing they were materialize so we know which one is real.
The heart be saying this is it, the head be mixing different thoughts, telling us it isn't. Now which one should me follow?.

When it comes to choosing or relationships issues you will be told to listen to what your hearts is telling. And when we do at times we end up remorseful.

I observe a lot, i was once mixed with this issue of choices. When i was much younger i remember been told times without number to follow my heart. The conscience ,head and heart battles, The head will be babbling the heart won't absolve. I did it as they said along the line i had a crooked smile.

I discovered that the heart is not usually right as i thought. If  the quote above is to be applied does that mean i was stupid?. Maybe not but really.!

"The struggle i was in then was to  develop the strength i need for today"  they say Life is a lesson, the trick is to find out what it’s trying to teach you..

Stop Following Your Heart

Following Our Heart is it Proper?

In today's world follow your heart is what the preach every corner,even when  our conscience says we're not on the smooth path but since our heart felt it's OK , so we are totally right. But the bible and the quote above is against it, let me quote it once more so you can recollect it if you forgot.

" Smart listens to the head. Stupid listens to the heart "
The bible just saved this quote by confirming it because i was thinking of how i will defend it.
 "He who trusts in his own heart is a fool, but he who walks wisely will be delivered" (Prov. 28:26)
Our emotion can lead us astray, our heart has the power to overshadow the conscience, the heart is weak and too open, its accept things as long as its comes with  a piece of love and affection.

Follow your heart was once my best phrase until i read the book of Jeremiah...

“''The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9) Earlier he says, “Cursed is the man who trusts in man!

It's still a little bit sick, maybe  i won't follow none of them but i do listen to my head often, the heart can lie..

Do you follow your heart or head
Which one do you follow?, has the heart or the head misled you before? What do you think about this head and heart issue?. I will love to read your thought below.