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Are Your Wasting or Investing Your Time?

5:08 AM Daniel's Chronicle 7 Comments

Are Your Wasting or Investing Your Time?
A Lot of us likes procrastination, we enjoy misusing time. Time , the mysterious most important and valuable medium human have ever witness. Time rides on a whites horse, it doesn't wait for no one not even the richest people in the world can afford time. Time is priceless with value. It travel farther than anyone could imagine, it required a knowledgeable man to understand the best technique to management and work ahead of it.

Most younger people from 15 to 25 mismanage their time, they waste it only things that don't enrich their lives. They misuse it on one thing or the other, watching tv  programmes programs that don't lead to self improvement. Playing violent video games that neither corrupt their mindset or educated them about thuggin. While millions waste it on the internet on social media, exchanging erotic massage or trying to build unimportant networks, reading status and posting Amen on comments.

Sucessful people slaved their time, invested it. Someone once told me to avoid certains   things that are appealing now and enjoy them later when the time is right.

All the famous people in the world built the fortunes all day all night. Weakness of will and distraction of the eye, lust of the flesh can makes anyone risk time for nothing.

Some years ago i had nearly all trending social media account, i never understood that time should be made premium. I wasted all my youthful age chatting on social networking site all the name of making friends. It was fun, but i never knew what i was missing out, what i was doing. Well , it's a psycho that everybody bike it. Mines wasn't purposeful until i discovered blogging. But before then all the time i invested on unprofitable networking ended up giving rise to nothing but regrets years after.


Investing time produces success in time. Organizing your your life around those top priorities, working on how to achieve the top gaol. There will always be distractions. Having a schedule and timer can help achieve a lot. As a student the best way to invest your time is on books, studying hard. Trying to beat time and be the best  of all time. Youthful stage is full of distractions, time killers. A lot of things can take most of your time, it can make you lose focus. It might through friends,Phone and things around.
To be successful in life you have to cut down the time you waste with friends, the time you use your laptops,even pick phone calls , entertain visitors . Use them on the most important task  ahead of you. Plan your time and put it to wise use.
The say all work and no play makes you a dull boy right? You can play later,that's when you might have succeeded. You can spend your time wisely and make good use of every single section now and enjoy tomorrow.

Photo credit: CamEvans


  1. I observed too, that younger generation makes out of their time in playing games online, but, the mere fact is, they can make money out of it. Wasting my time is not for me right now 'cause been busy all the time, and compensated with what I'm doing with my spare time. Just using my Time Management Techniques.

  2. time, every one needs one and one can not just let it slip away. great post. another one worth pondering. if you are a nurse/ nursing student time is essential because in a split second a patient life can be in danger if you are not quick in responding to a crisis.

  3. Wasting your time is relative say people like building things and the person who builds feels that he is investing his time while the others around him think that he is wasting his time on what he is doing.

  4. Being a procrastinator is my worst trait. I really hope that I can overcome it because I know that it's a terrible character flaw.

  5. Time keeps going forward even if we are not so it's important to use it wisely.

  6. I guess it's part of learning. You know, being young & stupid, then later on somehow regretting how much time wasted. But then again, it's all in the matter of how you make up for the time lost, right? As long as you've gained wisdom, I guess that would suffice. :)

  7. As much as possible, I try to be productive each and everytime.


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