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Desire To Be Successful

6:00 AM Daniel's Chronicle 9 Comments

Desire To Be Successful

The mind is a powerful tool, it can be of more important if use effectively and pointed towards attracting positive things and wealth. The road to success starts with mere words, the tongue is sharper than two edged sword. It can clear the bushy and narrow path to riches only if it used in a way, there powers in it. The whole world and things therein are products of spoken words. God made everything through words. That's set an example that we can do anything if our confessions are positive.

Somewhere between i want it and i get it, it all root from the desire to have it, recently a close friend of mine invited me to his new business venture, gotten there i discovered he pin photos of writings on the wall. I looked closely what i saw written on them made me smile. He wrote in blue ink'' I want to be a millionaire'' it might look headless and weak to his customers but to him it mean a world. To him it was writing i saw, i read them in art, it was the future and possibilities i saw. I told him you're getting there if you're success conscious.

Desire does it own but can't make you rich , so you take a step further. You put yourself in the shoes of success. You can simply do this by visualizing it. Seeing yourself as someone who is a fulfilled factor already.

Yes you can is another important tool, being positive about it can help you visualize what success meant , how it looks like and what it feels like being successful.

Talk that success language, like my friend painted a picture, he communicated with his inner force, his inner voice connected the cable to more powerful source which increased the voltage of his desire that transform into writings which i called pictures.

Believe in possibility even if you're not that of that type that believes in faith, the truth is prayer works. And lastly step into success, take sip from the holy grail which is action. Desire gets weaker when it lack or when it's not back up with corresponding actions.

Success will never fall from heaven or come to you by accident, you use your mind to attract it. The starting point to being successful is you mind, develop it and they sky will be a starting not your limit.

Photo credit: Search Engine People Blog / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)


  1. Yes you are right, being positive makes some successful. Its a matter of not giving up.

  2. This is a very inspiring post. Perfect read on a Monday.

  3. Just what the song says, "keep your faith" and of course we must also put effort to become successful.

  4. I believe in the teachings of The Secret and I'm inspired to attract success. As they say, thoughts are things.

  5. What the mind can conceive, the body can achieve. Positive thoughts attract positive outcomes.

  6. I believe in the teaching that what we think we attract,,What we act we imbibe..

  7. Yes, I believe that you can be successful if you believe in yourself

  8. The power of positive thinking! It really makes a huge difference. Dream big, work hard and never lose sight of the goal, right?

  9. I read in think and grow rich book that the first step to gettng what you want is having a burning desire


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