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7 Reasons To Break Up

5:38 AM Daniel's Chronicle 0 Comments

Love is friendship set on fire and they comes a time when river flows in and the flame disappears, friends stops being friends for  a reason or maybe for reasons. Love bind relationships but a little misunderstanding can make a difference, it can end the world.
Around the world breakup and infidelity rate is high. You may ask why its increasing rapidly but have you ever wondered if its happen for a good reason?.

Love crash every 16hour because of one thing or the other. You broke up with someone just for some worthless reason. There are many reason while you should quit a relationship. Recently a buddy of mine was fighting brake up depression so i ask him why they call it a quit when a put me through it was no good and reasonable reason to end. Relationship isn't a fairy tale as we see in the movie, there is nothing like a perfect relationship.

Below are few good reason to press the red bottom and use the exist.

1.Cheated or Cheated On:

There is nothing that hurt like Infidelity ,maybe you've have been cheated on times without number and you can't just help it no more. Open the door and let him/her step a step.

2. You're Sad all the time:

Relationships isn't all about smiles,its full of torns and beautiful pains but if sadness is the language that you hear more than happiness please turn around and never turn back.

3. You Just Feel Like It's Time to Move On:

At times we just feel like we need to be left alone maybe for some personal reason, or you feel like i want to be single for while. No one owns your life you leave it as you like. Take your luggage and move on.

4. You've got someone else on your mind.

It might your ex or some new guys/girl that's giving you sleepless night. Anytime you lay beside your current lover you picture other, its better you take the last door on the left than to your body to be in one place and mind in other so carry both along and kiss the past bye.

5. Too much Abuse :

Abusive relationships is  a hell on its own and a good to reason to end. Unless you can cope with all the the physical and emotional abuse then good for you but if its out of your control then walk out.

6. Tired Of the Relationship:

Many people get tired in some relationship because its lack all what was expected like care,time,passion e.t.c there is no time to be wasted in a dead relationship take to your hills.

7. You've dating like for a century:

I don't why you will date  someone since 18 and now you 're 35 still dating, no marriage plan his not ready to put a ring on it .Remember time waits for no one.
You can call it a quit for any personal reason, i broke up with a certain girl years back because  i  had weight on my head so my neck was complaining, i had to end it to save my neck. I was younger then though.
There are a good reason to end a worthless companionship and there also thousands of other reason to stick to it despite the  pains and all the suffering. Life is a choice you have to choose wisely and be alert. Break free from any strings attached you deserve to be happy and don't let no one deprive you from that.


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